Darth Vader’s Kieron Gillen And Salvador Larocca Take Over Main Star Wars Title!

Kieron Gillen and Salvador Larocca gave us an epic of a tale in their Darth Vader comic that debuted in February of 2015. Not only did they show us some of the Dark Lord of the Sith’s challenges with the Emperor, but they also gave us the crucial moment when Vader discovered his son, Luke Skywalker, was still alive.

If Larocca’s artwork from that scene doesn’t move you, I don’t know what will. It’s magnificent.

Darth Vader #6

Gillen and Larocca also introduced us to Doctor Aphra and her lovable, murderous droids 0-0-0 or Triple Zero and BT-1 or Bee Tee.

Triple Zero

Bee Tee

These two were excellent comedic relief.

Now, the star duo will be taking over duties on the main ongoing Star Wars title beginning this fall.

“My aim’s simple – to do what Salva and I did with Darth Vader, but for Leia, Luke and Han. As in, chart the rise and fall of the rebellion between A New Hope and the Empire Strikes Back, how it changes them all and how it changes the universe,” said series writer Kieron Gillen. “So a simple aim, but as nightmarishly tricky to pull off as dropping a proton torpedo down a thermal exhaust port. But hopefully as thrilling if we pull it off. I can’t wait till you see it up. First up: the post-apocalyptic hell that remains of Jedha after the Death Star punched a hole through its mantle.”

If what Gillen is hinting at is true. It appears he will pick up on the story in the aftermath of the events of Rogue One. Although it’s possible Leia, Luke, and Han might arrive on Jedha following the events of A New Hope. Hopefully we will get to see exactly how the Rebellion ends up on Hoth and why it was chosen as their base.

Gillen and Larocca take over the main Star Wars title beginning with Star Wars #38 this fall! We can’t wait to see what they have in store. If it’s anything like their work on Darth Vader it will be a story you won’t want to miss!

Star Wars #38

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