DC Comics Publisher Dan DiDio Reveals Second Coming Cancelled Because “We Needed To Make Edits”

DC Comics Publisher Dan DiDio revealed that Mark Russell and Richard Pace’s Second Coming series was cancelled because DC Comics needed to make edits to the series.

DiDio responded to a fan who posted on his Facebook wall inquiring about the cancellation:

“Hated to see this series leave DC, but we needed to make edits and it was Mark’s preference to keep it as originally presented. So we respected his request to return the project. I love Mark’s work I wish him and Richard nothing but the best when they publish.”

He would reiterate that with another fan who expressed their distaste for the cancellation.

Dan DiDio

Creators Mark Russell and Richard Pace indicated it was their decision to cancel the Second Coming series by requesting the rights back.

Pace would echo Russell in multiple Tweets.

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