DC Issues New Printings of Rebirth Titles

DC Comics is issuing second printings of many of their REBIRTH titles as well as a third printing of DC UNIVERSE: REBIRTH #1.

DC Universe: REBIRTH #1 by Geoff Johns, Gary Frank, Ethan Van Sciver, Ivan Reis, Phil Jimenez, Brad Anderson, Jason Wright, Joe Prado, Matt Santorelli, Gabe Etalb, and Hi-Fi kicked off DC’s line wide title re-launch on May 25 that produced one of the biggest shock endings we’ve seen in awhile.

The third printing for DC UNIVERSE: REBIRTH #1 will hit comic book shelves on Wednesday, June 29th.

Joining the DC UNIVERSE: REBIRTH #1 on June 29th will be second printings of Aquaman: Rebirth #1, Batman: Rebirth #1, Detective Comics #934, Green Lanterns: Rebirth #1, Green Arrow: Rebirth #1, Superman: Rebirth #1, The Flash: Rebirth #1, and Wonder Woman: Rebirth #1. A second printing of Action Comics #957 will arrive in comic book shelves a week later on Wednesday, July 6th. Each of the new reprintings will feature the comic’s original cover art but will replace the blue curtain image with recolored REBIRTH banners at the top.

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