DC Unveils WonderCon Variants – They Are Gorgeous!

DC Comics will be heading to WonderCon this year with a number of exclusive variant covers.

The exclusive variants include All-Star Batman #8 by Giuseppe Camuncoli, Batman #19 by David Finch, Batwoman #1 by Steve Epting, Dark Knight III: Master Race #8 by Chris Burnham, Doom Patrol #5 by Nick Derrington, and Harley Quinn #16 by Amanda Conner.

Take a look at these gorgeous covers:

All-Star Batman #8 Batman #19 Batwoman #1 Dark Knight III: Master Race #8 Doom Patrol #5 Harley Quinn #16

WonderCon begins Friday, March 31st and runs through Sunday April 2nd at the Anaheim Convention Center.

You can check out everything DC has planned from a signing appearance by Wonder Woman director Patty Jenkins to can’t miss panels celebrating Young Animal and Wildstorm over at DC Comics!

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