‘Dishonored’ Expands Into Comics and Novels Through Titan
Titan Books and Bethesda Softworks have teamed-up for a multi-platform publishing partnership for Dishonored 2, the sequel to the award-winning Dishonored saga by Arkane Studios.
The publishing platform will include three original novels, an all-new four part comic mini-series, and a graphic novel collection that will bridge the story of events between Dishonored and the upcoming Dishonored 2.
The first official Dishonored tie-in comic will be released in August with three additional insallments following it in September and October. The series will then be collected in a graphic novel available in November.
This new series will be written by Gordon Rennie, author of White Trash. He has also has worked on Judge Dredd and Rogue Trooper as well as for the cult magazine, 2000 AD. He will be joined by artist Andrea Olimpieri and colorist Marcelo Maiolo.
Here’s what you can expect from the comic book series:
The city of Dunwall; whaling capital of Gristol and industrial hub of the Empire of the Isles.
Twelve years have passed since Corvo Attano scuppered the Lord Regent’s duplicitous plot against the crown and cleared his name of the Empress Jessamine’s murder.
Now a little older and perhaps a little wiser, Corvo sets his sights on the future and securing an apprentice to continue his legacy. But when confronted by an impossible face from his past, the supernaturally-gifted assassin finds himself drawn once again into an otherworldly conspiracy, one that threatens to shake the very foundations of his ancient city.
As previously mentioned, there will also be three original novels. The first Dishonored – The Corroded Man will be available in September. It will be the first in a trilogy of books by Adam Christopher, a novelist, comic writer, and award-winning editor. Christopher is the co-writer of The Shield for Dark Circle Comics and has written original tie-in fiction for the Elementary television series.
Dishonored – The Corroded Man will take place following the events of Dishonored. The two latter books will be released in 2017 continuing the adventures of the game’s protagonists Corvo Attano and Emily Kaldwin.
Dishonored 2 makes it worldwide debut on Friday, November 11 on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC. You will get the choice of playing the Empress Emily Kaldwin or the royal protector Corvo Attano as you make your way through a world where mysticism and industry collide.

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