Dynamite’s Gold Key Characters Get a New Series in April

Dynamite’s Gold Key characters, Turok, Dinosaur Hunter, Magnus, Robot Fighter, Solar, Man of the Atom, and the Mighty Samson fight their way into a new miniseries, Gold Key: Alliance this April.
The story will see these legendary heroes struggling with the perils of the twenty-first century. However, while they are struggling to come to terms with the modern world a greater evil approaches that will force the heroes to unify changing them forever.
Gold Key: Alliance #1 (of 5) will be penned by Eisner-nominated Phil Hester (Wonder Woman, Green Arrow, The Bionic Man) with artwork from Brent Peeples (Last of the Greats, Legenderry: Green Hornet). The first issue will see covers from Phil Hester and Felipe Massafera. There will be a Virgin and Black and White edition of Hester’s cover.
Retailers will be able to obtain Hester’s Black and White variant cover for every 10 copies they order. The “Virgin Art” variant will be available for every 25 copies ordered. Each of these variant covers will be provided at a net cost of $2.00 each.
Gold Key: Alliance #1 (of 5) hits comic book shelves on April 6, 2016.

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