Get A Sneak Peek of Spider-Man #12

Brian Michael Bendis and Sarah Pichelli dial up a romance in Spider-Man #12.

Spider-Man #12 kicks off a four part crossover between Spider-Man and Spider-Gwem.

The first chapter, “Sitting in a Tree,” kicks off in Spider-Man #12 where a kiss is heard round the world and love is in the air for Miles Morales and Gwen Stacy. The two webslinging lovebirds collide for an adventure in Gwen’s universe that’s going to rock their respective worlds.

Spider-Man #12 will feature covers by Sarah Pichelli, Richard Isanove, Bob McLeod, and David Marquez.

Take a look:

Spider-Man #12 Spider-Man #12 Spider-Man #12

Spider-Man #12

Spider-Man #12

Spider-Man #12

Spider-Man #12 hits comic book shelves on January 11th!

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