Image Announces Snowfall from Joe Harris and Martín Morazzo

Bestselling writer Joe Harris (The X-Files) and artist Martín Morazzo (Vertigo Quarterly), creators of GREAT PACIFIC, reunite for an all-new ongoing science-fiction series set in the year 2045—where it no longer snows.
“With Snowfall, we’re presenting a 21st century America in which the climate has gone completely to shit and where fully recognized corporate personhood and control isn’t just accepted, but necessary. The time for industry forces lying about the effects of climate change have long passed,” said Harris. “They’ve moved on to profiting mightily from managing the fallout now. The haves enjoy the resources to mitigate the damage while the have-nots suffer the effects more acutely, living in these resettlement zones that are jointly administered by those same corporate forces with their fingerprints all over the crash. And it’s against this backdrop that resistance takes place. It isn’t clean, pretty or neat. Sometimes, we’re going to see, it’s not even that noble a fight. But desperation makes men do desperate things. This is a series with plenty of sci-fi action, ‘mad scientist’ manipulations and schemes, and a protagonist who may—or may not—be the greatest super-villain in history, depending on who writes it. It’s a story about humanity seeking dominion over forces beyond its control, the inevitable backlash, and the desperate attempt to reclaim, rebuild and redeem.”
In SNOWFALL #1, readers are introduced to a world where a catastrophic crash has left the climate ravaged, society splintered, and the newly-christened “Cooperative States of America” propped up and administered by the powerful Hazeltyne Corporation.
In the bleak world of SNOWFALL, only one man can wage an all-out weather war against the system, wielding the forces of nature themselves as weapons. He is the White Wizard. The ghost in the night. Genius. Terrorist. Outlaw. Hero?
Morazzo added: “As we strove to do with Great Pacific, this new series presents a visually unique world where environmental catastrophe meets science fiction adventure. The look and feel for 2045 is both bleak and beautiful and filled with both dread and promise all at once. I am incredibly proud of this work!”
SNOWFALL #1 (Diamond Code DEC150539) will hit comic book stores on Wednesday, February 17th. The final order cutoff deadline for comic book retailers is Monday, January 25th.
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