Kevin Smith Provides Update Following Heart Attack

For fans of Kevin Smith, it has been a roller-coaster ride over the last few days. He recently suffered a massive heart attack and then people who were praying for him got attacked online.
Unfortunately, that roller-coaster ride is not over. Kevin Smith spoke to The Ralph Report and dashed hopes of a quick and lasting recovery. Smith opened up about the massive heart attack he suffered and gave us an incredible degree of insight into his current situation.
“I don’t want to say I feel like a dead man walking, but I do feel like I’m not supposed to be here anymore, and it doesn’t make me want to leave, but it makes me appreciate how … like, all right, let’s do everything. … I was supposed to be dead in that room, no doubt.”
Those are some pretty strong words, but it seems that the thought of mortality hit Kevin hard over the last few days. He goes on to talk about how he felt he has checked all the boxes on what he wanted to accomplish in this life:
“I felt like, ‘Oh, this is my time to leave the party,’ and I’d done enough, dude, … I only ever wanted to make Clerks; 25 years later, I did more shit than I ever imagined. I’ve gone on so many f****** adventures, and heights and falls, plummets, up and down, everything, and I just felt like, ‘Well, the rest of your life, if you live, it’s just going to kinda be more of the same, and you’ve done this and be happy that you got to do it at all. You got to do some shit people f****** dream or will kill themselves to try to f****** accomplish or get in their own lives, and it came to you all so easy. So if this is the price you have to pay for all that ease, checking out before age 50, that’s — how can you argue with that? Don’t be shitty. Pay the bill. It’s time.'”
The filmmaker realized how short life is. This has now motivated him to shift gears to become a healthier person. He’s already made a huge lifestyle change and became a vegetarian following the heart attack. It’s also given him a new prospect on life and what he plans on doing with his time.
“It’s not like I go, ‘I was saved from the grave and now it’s my life and now I’m gonna do what I want to do,’ because that’s all I’ve ever done. … Everything that happens professionally was going to happen unless you see me do a heart attack movie because otherwise, I wouldn’t have had an interest in that subject, but I don’t think that’s gonna happen.”
Smith maintained his sense of humor as he recalled a moment where doctors asked him to take off his clothes. Smith recalled the encounter, “Bro, if I have to take off my underwear, I will have a second heart attack right here.”
During the interview Smith also promised he hopes to do a Jay and Silent Bob reboot to ensure Yoga Hosers won’t be his final film.
I’m still praying for him and hope he makes a full recovery and that it happens sooner rather than later.
You can listen to the entire interview on Ralph Report’s Patreon Page.
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