Marvel Unveils ‘Civil War II: Choosing Sides’

The lines are drawn and everyone must choose a side. Will they stand with Iron Man or with Captain Marvel? That question will be answered this June in Marvel’s upcoming mini-series Civil War II: Choosing Sides.
Civil War II: Choosing Sides will contain three all-new stories detailing the conflict taking place throughout the Marvel Universe. Writer Declan Shalvey will write and illustrate a Nick Fury story running through all six issues of Civil War II: Choosing Sides Brandon Easton and Goran Sudzuka will collaborate on a tale of “Night Thrasher”. Finally, Chad Bowers, Chris Sims, and Leonardo Romero will work on “Damage Control.”
“We all grew up having those ‘Who’d win in a fight?’ arguments right?” asks Chad Bowers, speaking with “I think what [this story does] is takes that same idea and ages it up a bit. It grounds the conflict in something ethical, and relatable. It reminds us that even though these guys are on the same teams, and they dress the same, they’re still individuals. It’s really Marvel storytelling at its best, because of how human it feels. ”
As Civil War II: Choosing Sides works it way through six full issues it will also explore stories focused on Jessica Jones, Power Pack, the Punisher, War Machine, and more. Will they fight to protect the future or battle to change tomorrow? Nick Fury, Damage Control, and Night Thrasher choose their sides in Civil War II: Choosing Sides #1 this June. Cover art is courtesy of Jim Cheung.
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