New Doomsday Clock Image Shows Batman Reading Rorschach’s Journal!

DC Comics unveiled a brand new promotional image for Geoff Johns and Gary Frank’s upcoming new series Doomsday Clock. The new image shows Batman reading Rorschach’s journal over a cup of coffee in what appears to be the Batcave.

Doomsday Clock

Doomsday Clock aims to bring together the Watchmen and DC superheroes and villains in an intriguing crossover that begins a year ahead of the current DC Universe timeline. The series is expected to continue Johns’ Rebirth story that saw the Watchmen’s Button enter the main DC Universe.

At San Diego Comic Con, Johns revealed Doomsday Clock “incorporates everything from Action Comics #1 to Crisis to Rebirth to now Metal, Oz Effect some surprises.” He did make it clear there will be no crossovers.

While the story will initially take place one year in the future, by the conclusion it will link up with the current DC Continuity.

Johns describes Doomsday Clock as “not a normal comic for us; this is the chance to do something we’ve never done before, and we’re putting everything we have into it, and it’s a story we could only tell right now. And it’s a risky story to tell, which I love, and it’s a challenge, which I love.”

With the reveal of this new promotional image, DC also revealed that Johns will be visiting New York Comic Con to take the main stage on Friday, October 6 at 6:00 pm ET. While on the main stage he is expected to “reveal the first pages of issue #1.” He will also discuss everything from the DC Universe: Rebirth one-shot to Doomsday Clock.

If you are able to attend the panel at New York Comic Con, DC Comics is giving away a limited-edition Doomsday Clock item. No details on what the item will be have been revealed.

Doomsday Clock hits comic book shelves on November 22, 2017.

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