New Lenticular Cover For Doomsday Clock #1 Puts Rorschach Front And Center!

DC President and Chief Creative Officer Geoff Johns unveiled the final lenticular cover for issue one of his upcoming 12-issue miniseries Doomsday Clock. The Doomsday Clock #1 cover showcases Rorschach and potentially hints at the character’s return.

The cover features Dave Gibbons’ iconic Rorschach art from his run on the original series with Alan Moore.

Take a look:

We separated out the two images for you as well:

Doomsday Clock #1

Doomsday Clock #1

And here’s a better look at the lenticular:

Doomsday Clock #1

This cover joins the main cover and variant cover by Gary Frank which were revealed last week.

Doomsday Clock #1

Doomsday Clock #1

Doomsday Clock is expected to take place a year in the future and will be a Superman-centric story. At San Diego Comic Con Johns said the series “incorporates everything from Action Comics #1 to Crisis to Rebirth to now: Metal, Oz Effect, some surprises! No crossovers.”

Along with the covers Johns and DC Comics revealed some of Gary Frank’s interiors:

Doomsday Clock

Doomsday Clock

Doomsday Clock

Doomsday Clock

Doomsday Clock

Doomsday Clock

Johns will pen Doomsday Clock. He will be joined by artist Gary Frank and colorist Brad Anderson. The series debuts on November 22, 2017.

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