Shadowhawk Returns With Image Comics’ Epic Crossover Event!

Image Vice-President and Shadowline Publisher Jim Valentino’s Shadowhawk will return to the comic world with Joe Keatinge and Leila del Duca’s Shutter #25.

Not only will this issue see the return of Shadowhawk, but it will feature some of Image’s top characters from Spawn, Glory, Witchblade, Savage Dragon, and Invincible.

“Image Comics is why I write comics,” said Keatinge. “After a lot of soul-searching, I felt the best way to express my gratitude on the Image partners’ momentous anniversary is to unite our characters over eating eggs and drinking mimosas.”

“It’s been a dream come true, drawing characters that were created and brought to life by the Image founders,” said del Duca. “SHUTTER may not have existed if it weren’t for those seven men who left work-for-hire comics to make creator-owned stories. I loved spending time with their characters, incorporating them into our storyline, and having them interact with our own characters, Kate, Alain, and Alarm Cat. I had so much fun!”

Valentino talked about the crossover, “What a wonderfully unique way to acknowledge the founders. I’m very proud to have been asked to have my character participate in Joe and Leila’s wonderful series. And, for all those fans who want to see SHADOWHAWK’s return to comics…here ya go!”

Not only will Shutter #25 see the return of Shadowhawk, but it will also feature a special variant cover (seen above) from Brandon Graham.

“The SHUTTER team found a great way to celebrate the history of Image Comics—and the universal love of two of the most important meals EVER combined into the best meal (Eat it, Dinner)!” said Graham (KING CITY, PROPHET).

Shutter #25 hits comic book shelves everywhere on Wednesday, December 28th.

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