‘Spider-Man 2099’ Co-Creator Peter David Dropped By Medicaid, Prompting Loved Ones To Launch New GoFundMe Campaign: “The Short Version Is We Are Swimming In Medical Debt”

While the esteemed comic book scribe’s health is on an apparent upswing, an unfortunate development regarding Peter David’s medical bills has led his friends and family to once again ask his many fans for financial help.

The co-creator of such fan-favorite characters as The Maestro form of the Hulk and the futuristic Spider-Man 2099, David is arguably one of the most prolific and quality writers across the entire Western comic book industry, his words bringing to life such stories as those told in DC vs. Marvel Vol. 1, Incredible Hulk Vol. 2, Spider-Man 2099 Vol. 1, Supergirl Vol. 4, X-Factor Vol. 3, Young Justice Vol. 1 (as well as, in a personal highlight, the Spider-Man: Edge of Time video game).
Given his popularity, it came as a genuine shock when the 2010s decided to put him through the ringer, as the decade saw him suffer a stroke in 2012, receive a Type-2 diabetes diagnosis in 2014, and get hit with an IRS bill for $88,000 in unpaid back taxes and related fines as a result of his first wife clearing out their shared savings during their divorce proceedings.
In doing what he could to promptly amass the funds, David moved to solve his financial troubles by launching a Patreon account wherein he would share new short stories, selling off pieces from his own personal comic book art collection, and opening up a GoFundMe campaign, all of which would end up collectively pulling him out of debt by mid-2017.

Unfortunately for the man who wrote Spider-Man’s The Death of Jean DeWolff arc, it seems he has once again found himself in desperate need of financial assistance, this time due to a one-two combo of a recent flare-up in his aforementioned health problems and his being dropped by the US government’s low-income oriented Medicaid health insurance program.
As such, a new GoFundMe has been launched on his behalf, its donations intended to help alleviate the Babylon 5 novelist’s medical bills.
“Peter’s health issues continue to be a challenge,” wrote the campaign’s organizer, family friend Graham Murphy. “He has been in recovery now for three years! Peter is steadily improving – even with his kidney disease, minor surgeries, and some recent small strokes. But Medicaid, which had been taking care of his Long Term Disability, has just dropped him. As a result, medical care and living expenses are mounting beyond current control.”
“So, we are reaching out to you for help,” he explained. “I’ve known Peter and his family for many years. They are the nicest, kindest, and most generous people you will ever meet. Let’s return some of that kindness and generosity and help them make it through this. Please donate and spread the word. Thank you!”

David’s wife, Kathleen, also shared a message regarding her husband’s current status and need for assistance, directly telling fans, “We are starting this up again due to circumstances beyond our control.”
“The short version is we are swimming in medical debt due to Peter being rejected for Medicaid – which was one of the few things that had been going right. As many of you know, insurance will only pay so much and so far. Once one has used that up, one depends on the social services to allow one to live without being homeless and broke. That is what Medicaid has been doing for the last two years. Yes, as of November, we started our third year of this journey.
“Overall, it has been a time of frugalness and counting our blessing where we can. Your contributions will go towards the bills we have, and are, accruing. This gives Peter and me much piece of mind. And gives me time to worry about other things that really need more of my attention.

“The job hunt continues. Got close twice but then it went internal, so I was used as a statistic. I have also learned new ways to say you are old without saying it. I continue to try to find work that I can do. I am down to one day a week at Micheals so that is a princely $120 I get every two weeks. Understand I am grateful for the job, however, it doesn’t pay a living wage even if I worked 20 hours a week.
“Caroline applied for several internships in Animation including Disney and Dreamworks. She is working very hard in school and enjoying the animation program at FIT (Fashion Institute of Technology). These past few years of her father’s illness have been tough on her, but she is pushing through.
“Please pass this GoFundMe around so it will be seen by many eyes. We appreciate those who have previously donated, and we appreciate those who are donating for the first time. Peter is floored by the support. I don’t think he knows how beloved and admired he is. Thank you.”

Its current goal set at $75,000 David’s latest GoFundMe has thus far amassed a total of $45,351 from 928 donations.
For those who’d like to pitch in, you can find his campaign here.
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