Spread Gets Special Stand-Alone Issue in January

Writer Justin Jordan (Luthor Strode) will team up with special guest artist Jen Hickman (The Dead) for a special stand-alone issue in the ongoing horror series Spread this January.
Spread previously introduced us to a man named No and an orphaned baby, Hope. Hope is the key to stopping The Spread—the gruesome cancerous growth of monsters that’s brought civilization to a grinding halt—but not everyone sees her as a savior. Molly, a crazy survivor with an unknown background, has been key to keeping Hope alive.
Justin Jordan and Jen Hickman will tell Molly’s story in Spread #12.
Jordan and Hickman both talked about this stand alone issue and the brutality within. “The world of Spread is a bad one, and Molly’s story reflects this,” said Jordan. “This was probably one of the hardest scripts I ever wrote, and I really hope I did justice to the story.”
“When Justin sent me the script for the issue, he noted that this one was ‘fairly brutal’ and that made me pause. If Justin Jordan, of all people, wanted to preface a script like that, what exactly was lurking in the pages?” said Hickman. “I mean you’ll have to read for yourself, but he was spot on. This issue cuts deep. I was like 3/4 through the issue and about 30 seconds from crying. I hope that I’ve succeeded in imparting even a fraction of the ‘fairly brutal’ emotion in the script. Basically, I hope you cry. Read Spread. It’s super awesome.”
Spread #12 hits stores Wednesday January 13, 2016. It will come with three covers. Cover A is by Kyle Strahm and Felipe Sobreiero (Diamond code: NOV150648). Cover B is by Camila Torrano (Diamond code: NOV150649) and Cover C is by Michael Adams and Kyle Strahm (Diamond code: NOV150649).
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