Take a Look Inside ‘The Walking Dead Coloring Book’

As reported at the end of January, The Walking Dead will be getting its own coloring book adaptation from Image Comics and Skybound Entertainment.

The Walking Dead has never had color before but don’t that stop you from picking up The Walking Dead Coloring Book. It is 96 pages long and allows you to color walkers, brains, and gore galore. You will be able to color all of your favorite survivors and zombies. We recommend you stock up on lots and lots of red as you color art from throughout the long-running series.

The Walking Dead Coloring Book (ISBN: 978-1-63215-774-4) hits comic book shelves on Wednesday, May 4th and book stores on Tuesday, May 10th. It will run you $15.99. [easyazon_link identifier=”1632157748″ locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]Pre-Order your copy today[/easyazon_link]!

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