The North Valley Grimoire Writer Blake Northcott Makes Pitch to be Next James Bond Writer!

Novelist and comic book writer Blake Northcott tossed her extremely warm Canadian hat into the ring to become the next James Bond writer with a pitch that already has fans clamoring for more!
Northcott’s pitch was simple, highlighting the features that make James Bond, well, 007. She explained “Bond will be hard-drinking, womanizing, charming and deadly.” She also said she would include “fast cars, hot Bond girls and crazy villains.”
If I wrote a 007 comic, novel or film, Bond would be hard-drinking, womanizing, charming and deadly. There would be fast cars, hot Bond girls and crazy villains.
Change key elements and you’re no longer writing Bond – you’re forcing your own wishlist on an established franchise.
— Blake Northcott™✨ (@BlakeNorthcott) July 29, 2018
Fans were quick to call for Northcott to be the next James Bond writer:
please write a a 007 comic, novel or film 😉
— Tom Hahnl (@tomhahnl) July 30, 2018
And somebody get this woman, a bond contract.
— Bradley baker (@Despicablecomix) July 29, 2018
I think you might be my favourite person in the arts on twitter at the moment Blake?
— Jules1701D (@J1701D) July 29, 2018
So… could you please? Write Bond I mean. Sounds like you’ve got a pretty tight handle on what makes the character the character.
— #ThanosWasRight (@OverlordOf_Evil) July 29, 2018
Hey @DynamiteComics, you should really consider giving @BlakeNorthcott a 007 miniseries 😉
— Marcus Holzer (@MarcusHolzer) July 29, 2018
Why do I now want 007 Book by you?
— Imperial Weeb (@EmpReb) July 30, 2018
Please go write the 007 comics now.
— Space Force Captain (@_space_captain) July 29, 2018
I want this now.
— Con Johnstantine (@metaldragon548) July 29, 2018
So wheres the petition to get you writing Bond, then?
— Michael Hedley (@WeWuzVikings) July 29, 2018
This is what 007 is all about
— RG 13 (@realgamer07) July 29, 2018
And Northcott is no stranger to writing an action-adventure spy series. She’s currently penning [easyazon_link identifier=”B079DYH5C4″ locale=”US” tag=”boundingintocomics-20″]Executive Assistant: Iris[/easyazon_link] for Aspen Comics alongside artist Donny Tran.
Northcott could also bring a significant following to a James Bond book. The number of fans who are already clamoring for her to write it is already apparent, but Northcott can also appeal to folks who might not be traditional comic book readers. Northcott has found great success self-publishing and she recently wrapped up a KickStarter campaign for her upcoming novel, The North Valley Grimoire. She raised over $73,000 Canadian dollars from 1,010 backers.
I would definitely be interested in seeing Blake Northcott be given a chance at James Bond. Dynamite Comics will you take a chance?
As Blake says, “We’ll see what the future holds.”
We’ll see what the future holds.
— Blake Northcott™✨ (@BlakeNorthcott) July 30, 2018
Would you want to see Blake Northcott write a James Bond story?
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