Timothy Lim Reveals New My Hero MAGAdemia Character: Warhen

Artist Timothy Lim, the artist behind [easyazon_link identifier=”1682615227″ locale=”US” tag=”boundingintocomics-20″]Thump[/easyazon_link], introduced a brand new character to his and Mark Pellegrini’s My Hero Magademia roster. That character is Warhen.

Warhen will aid Wall-Might in his fight against the villainous Burning Sanders in the sequel to My Hero Magademia, Wall-Might: First Term Part Two.

Lim revealed to us that Warhen’s superpowers include super strength and flight. Lim also told us this sequel will be a “critique on the comic book industry.”

The sequel to the hilarious My Hero Magademia is expected to launch in one month. The book will be 40 pages in length and Lim has been updating his followers on social media that he’s been working on a page day since just after Christmas. The 40-page length will specifically be for folks who back the project when crowdfunding launches on IndieGoGo. The IndieGoGo version will feature a different cover and an 8-page backup story. A 32-page edition edition is “tentatively scheduled to be [published] through Antarctic Press.”

Lim previously unveiled the design for the villain Burning Sanders earlier this month.

Lim described Burning Sanders’ powers, “He controls fire and has a personal army called the Youth Resistance. He also has the capability of ensorcelling people with a mind control item called the Blue Pill.”

Burning Sanders and Warhen won’t be the only new characters. Lim promised a “completely new cast including Marmot Maiden.”

The IndieGoGo for Wall-Might: First Term, Part II is expected to launch on March 1st. The campaign is expected to last for 31 days and books will go immediately to the printer once the campaign has closed. Lim also promised the book will have a “cheaper $10 price tag.”

I’m definitely looking forward to this sequel. The first book was laugh out loud funny!

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