Tom Tomorrow Celebrates 25th Anniversary with “This Modern World” Collection from IDW

Tom Tomorrow is teaming up with IDW to release Crazy Is The New Normal, a brand new collection of Tom’s best “This Modern World” strips from the past three years.

Crazy Is The New Normal will take on a political bent as the war drum of doom signals the encroaching apocalypse that is the 2016 American Presidential race – with special guest The Incredible Trump.Tom Tomorrow is the guiding light in the darkness as serious, elevated discourse and political correctness need not apply.

Along with Crazy Is The New Normal, IDW will be offering a new printing of Tom Tomorrow’s 25 Years of Tomorrow, which raised over $310,000 through Kickstarter for the two-volume, hardcover set. Not to mention the stretch goal with a signed guitar from Eddie Vedder!

“I’m genuinely excited to finally be able to announce this partnership,” says Tom. “I’m so grateful for the enthusiasm and support of my Kickstarter backers, which made it possible for me to publish my dream project in the first place — but if I hadn’t been approached by IDW, that’s where it would have ended. Now those books will have an extended life, with further printings and bookstore distribution, making them available to an even wider audience, and I couldn’t be happier about that. And with the new trade paperback, we’ll also have something for readers who prefer their satirical compilations in more easily digestible packages (though I do advise against literally eating the book).”

These collections are a testament to Tom Tomorrow’s talent as a cartoonist as well as being one of the most relevant political satirists. His unique voice allows one to make sense of today’s political climate and these collections showcase the Pulitzer finalist in his prime.

Crazy Is The New Normal hits book shelves in a softcover trade paperback collection in September. Tom Tomorrow: 25 Years of Tomorrow will be released in a slipcase hardcover in November. And stay tuned for more projects featuring Tom Tomorrow from IDW!

You can pre-order [easyazon_link identifier=”1631407007″ locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]Crazy Is The New Normal[/easyazon_link] today!

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