Comic Book Preview: Adventure Time: Islands
Written by Adventure Time show writer Ashly Burch and illustrated by Diigii Daguna, this original graphic novel stars Bunny Girl (a.k.a. Jo) and is set roughly a thousand years before the current Adventure Time timeline with Finn and Jake.
In the wake of the Great Mushroom War and the vampire infestation, the remaining humans of Ooo have set sail for safer shores. Disaster strikes, and Bunny Girl (aka Jo), Marceline’s precocious young friend, must brave the dangers of the wild to get back to her tribe, and maybe gain a sense of self-reliance along the way.
Features a cover illustrated by the artist team of Braden Lamb & Shelli Paroline, who were the original artists on KaBOOM!’s Adventure Time comics for the first 36 issues.
Writer: Ashly Burch
Artist: Diigii Daguna
Cover Artists: Braden Lamb & Shelli Paroline
Publisher: KaBOOM!, an imprint of BOOM! Studios
Price: $9.99

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