Comic Book Preview: Bloodshot Reborn: Bloodshot Island – Director’s Cut #1

This summer…sail back to BLOODSHOT ISLAND for a pulse-pounding director’s cut presenting Jeff Lemire and Mico Suayan’s action-packed masterwork in pristine black and white!

Get up close and personal with the fearless Bloodshot epic of the summer with this 48-page special, stripping down BLOODSHOT REBORN #14 to pencils, inks, and letters alone! Spotlighting Mico Suayan’s brutally immaculate pencil artwork alongside Lemire’s complete script, Valiant’s next essential Director’s Cut must be seen to be believed! Experience BLOODSHOT ISLAND in the purest form possible right here with an all-access presentation of the savage first issue featuring the first appearance of the character that has everyone talking: DEATHMATE!

Written by JEFF LEMIRE
Cover by TOMAS GIORELLO (MAY161881)
$4.99 | 48 pgs. | T+ | On sale JULY 6 (FOC – 6/13/16)

Bloodshot Reborn: Bloodshot Island - Director's Cut #1

Bloodshot Reborn: Bloodshot Island - Director's Cut #1

Bloodshot Reborn: Bloodshot Island - Director's Cut #1

Bloodshot Reborn: Bloodshot Island - Director's Cut #1

Bloodshot Reborn: Bloodshot Island - Director's Cut #1

Bloodshot Reborn: Bloodshot Island - Director's Cut #1

Bloodshot Reborn: Bloodshot Island - Director's Cut #1

Bloodshot Reborn: Bloodshot Island - Director's Cut #1

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