Comic Book Review: Assassin’s Creed #10

The Assassin’s Creed comic series has been a proverbial roller coaster to say the least. Unlike other Assassin’s Creed stories, it truly captures the essence of the video game series and the never ending turmoil between the Brotherhood and the Templars. The secret conspiracies, the action, and the wide-eyed protagonist willing to do anything to stop the evil organization are all vital elements to what makes the Assassin’s Creed series stand out. Charlotte de la Cruz has certainly come a long way from playing on the Helix System in the first issue.

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[easyazon_link identifier=”B01E6B8RLC” locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]Assassin’s Creed #10[/easyazon_link] shows the final conclusion to the “Setting Sun” arc where Quila must stop the assassination of the Emperor of the Incan Empire. The story wraps up nicely with good dialogue between Quila and Don Pardo Gonzales, who has been more of a nuisance rather than genuine support in more recent issues.

Writers Anthony Del Col and Conor McCreery conclude Quila’s journey and transition back to Charlotte’s reality in an effortless fashion. The only negative aspect of the story was the rushed pacing. It was not as satisfying as it should have been, with Pardo’s character in mind. Charlotte also takes center stage in the issue, showing her maturation throughout the series. Her willingness to do what it takes and her self-sacrifice is truly reminiscent of Desmond and what made him such a compelling character.

The artwork is certainly more worthy of praise since the last few issues. The most notable trait is the color palette used. Colorist Ivan Nunes does an excellent job with adding radiant colors to give a more immersive sensation of an ancient time period.

Artist Neil Edwards fantastically adds intricate details to give the feeling of being in the Incan Empire. The violence was depicted in a way where it was not gratuitous, but rather artful. The most notable aspect of the art was the expressive faces of the characters. The vivid visuals were indeed outstanding to help the characters convey certain emotions throughout the issue.

The Verdict

Del Col and McCreery may have concluded the “Setting Sun” arc in a rushed fashion, but emphasized the importance of Charlotte’s character growth. The lessons that Charllotte learned from Quila’s story will surely play a vital role in her future. The twist that Charlotte faces at the end of the issue is surprising and certainly sets up the next issue. [easyazon_link identifier=”B01E6B8RLC” locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]Assassin’s Creed #10[/easyazon_link] contains great action and remarkable dialogue between the key characters, and sets up the next issue excellently.

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