About Earl Je

Earl Je is a Mount St. Mary’s University graduate with a degree in Public Relations. He is an avid comic book fan and aspires to be a comic book writer. The very first word he learned how to spell as a child was the word mutant and he is currently trying to recreate Metropolis and Kandor out of Lego in his basement.

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August 28, 2016
It is truly mind-boggling that the Superman series is only five issues in yet it continues to outshine other DC
August 15, 2016
The Assassin’s Creed comic series has been a proverbial roller coaster to say the least. Unlike other Assassin’s Creed stories,
August 12, 2016
With the exception of Wally’s journey through the Rebirth Series, Clark White may have one of the greatest arcs ever
August 1, 2016
It seems like DC’s Rebirth is continuing to make strives within the comic book industry. Many fans were excited to