Comic Book Review: Titans: Rebirth #1

It seems like DC’s Rebirth is continuing to make strives within the comic book industry. Many fans were excited to see the revitalization of the DC Universe ever since the launch of the New 52. It’s safe to say that fans of the Titans series will not be disappointed by Titans: Rebirth #1. It is an emotional rollercoaster from the perspective of Wally West, who has recently returned to the fold after a long 10 year hiatus.

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As an initial introduction for the highly anticipated series, [easyazon_link identifier=”B01FWEMCUY” locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]Titans: Rebirth #1[/easyazon_link] sets an enormously high bar for strong storytelling and an emotional and personal narrative. It truly strengthens the resolve of the themes and tone that we are accustomed to in a team book. The interactions between the characters alone are enough to invoke a personal stake for the readers. The issue balances flashbacks with a warmer tone and the current yet colder present timeline effortlessly. This gives us a sense of nostalgia with an eager look at what is to come ahead.

Writer Dan Abnett brings back an emotional appeal that some would say was missing during the New 52 launch of the Titans. In the eyes of many Titans’ fans, the youthful team represents friendship amongst people with completely different lives. Abnett certainly reminds us of the personal friendships between the team and that nothing in the DC Universe can keep them apart.

Titans: Rebirth #1

The dialogue between characters feels very personal and close to home as opposed to giving readers convoluted exposition of the situation. Not only was the dialogue worth mentioning, but the pacing was great as well. There were no moments that felt rushed or dragged throughout the issue. Every moment had a specific purpose and meshed well together.

Artist Brett Booth pushes the limit with incredible and vivid artwork. The panel layout is very dynamic and had a sense of fluidity that made the issue’s readability phenomenal. The biggest showcase of artwork in the issue was the changes to Wally’s costume by colorist Andrew Dalhouse. It has changed to a darker red. The suit is seemingly evolving with Wally’s maturation. It follows the tone of the new Rebirth Launch.

Titans: Rebirth #1

The Verdict

[easyazon_link identifier=”B01FWEMCUY” locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]Titans: Rebirth #1[/easyazon_link] wonderfully continues the story that unraveled with the DC Universe: Rebirth #1 and answers many of the questions that were left unanswered with the newly launched series. The collaborative team of Dan Abnett and Brett Booth sets an emotional precedent for every Titans fan and seemingly lays the foundation for something greater in the DC Universe. With great art and dialogue, Titan’s Rebirth is a fantastic addition to what is already a great launch for DC Comics.

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