Comic Book Review: Batman: Rebirth #1

As I’ve grown into adulthood there are few things that have stayed with me, and even grow with me. Batman is one of those iconic figures that have stood in the background of my life as someone I hope to mold into. Though, I never expect to send criminals to prison as a cape crusader, watching him use his logic, passion, and dedication to do what is right, is something I hope to mimic in my daily interactions. So when I received the opportunity to review [easyazon_link identifier=”B01F8DSI1G” locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]Batman: Rebirth #1[/easyazon_link], I jumped at it.

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First off, I must say Mikel Janin’s take on the Dark Knight is nothing but breathtaking. The world of Gotham City, along with all the characters therein not only feel like they’re coming to life right before your eyes, but look just right. It’s hard for me to explain in writing, but when I think in the back of my mind who Batman is, Mikel has come extremely close to my view of what would make a real Batman. As you read along, the attention given to each character is amazing, especially when you encounter the initial action sequence.

Now to the Story! Don’t be fooled by the title, Rebirth isn’t a reboot. We’re not going to witness the death of the Wayne Parents again, nor are we going to watch Bruce turn into The Batman. The story continues after the New 52, but it seems that the world knows something is amiss, and we see all of this unfolding from a mysterious narrator who will share the stage with the rest of the iconic heroes of the DC universe.

The two writers Scott Snyder and Tom King both do an amazing job at building this story. Batman is still larger than life compared to other characters who may occupy the same space, but he also flows naturally through his dialog. It doesn’t feel forced or unnatural. You begin the story with Alfred picking an avocado from the garden while Batman is out saving the city. As the issue progresses, you are introduced to a plot to destroy Gotham through the use of spores, as well as a partnership that seems key to the development to the story.

Batman Rebirth #1

The Verdict

Batman: Rebirth #1 jumps right into the action.The mix of a talented artist, and two brilliant writers gives the reader a complex world that leaves you wanting to continue the journey into the next issue. Though this isn’t new reader friendly it will give you a reason to play catch-up with the story so far, as seen with the New 52. I recommend you not only buy the new Batman Rebirth, but to keep up with the corresponding stories with the other DC heroes.

Copywriter/Data analyst by day, horror author, and movie junkie by night! I'm just the resident Star Trek nerd happy ... More about Jorge Arenas
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