Comic Book Review: Farmhand #3

Let me start by laying my cards on the table here: if you’re not reading [easyazon_link identifier=”B07GL7HPN7″ locale=”US” tag=”boundingintocomics-20″]Farmhand[/easyazon_link], you really need to reassess what you’re doing with your pull list. Seriously, this book is fantastic and if you liked Chew back in the day (which almost everyone I know did) you might like this even more, as this issue hooks the reader by setting up plot points and questions for a long time to come.

Farmhand #3

Farmhand #3 starts by focusing on the kids and their lives at school. Guillory captures elementary school life in a fun way, well, fun for the reader if not young Riley. We meet Riley’s imaginary friend as well as learn how Riley makes his first real friend. We shift to life on the farm and meet an old friend of Grandpa’s as well as find out why there are no pets allowed on the farm.  The issue also answers the unspoken question you all had by showing us the Melon Patch.

Farmhand #3

The dialogue in the issue is great, as Guillory seems to understand how to write for both children and adults, as well as when they interact with each other. Rob Guillory is a solid writer and proves it again this issue.

The art is exceptionally fun, and makes you want to re-read the issue just to catch all the jokes you missed in the art. As the jokes go, a personal favorite of mine were the classroom scenes, particularly the “worst student” star on the wall. That’s just the tip of the iceberg which shows how talented Rob Guillory is as a writer and an artist. On a personal note, I’ve met him in person and he’s a hell of a nice guy as well.

Taylor Wells’ work on colors keep the book’s tone light and works perfectly well with the pencils.

Farmhand #3

The Verdict

[easyazon_link identifier=”B07GL7HPN7″ locale=”US” tag=”boundingintocomics-20″]Farmhand #3[/easyazon_link] is great, and this review doesn’t even do it justice. I want to spoil so many things because they’re so much fun but just trust me on this: go buy this book and then send Rob Guillory a fruit basket.

Matt Johnson lives in Denver, works in law enforcement, and is a Nuggets season ticket holder. The things in ... More about Matt Johnson
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