Comic Book Review: The Fix #2

[easyazon_link identifier=”B01CPNEL0Y” locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]The Fix #2[/easyazon_link] picks up right where the introductory issue left off; Roy and Mac are attempting to scheme their way out of their problems.

[easyazon_image align=”center” height=”500″ identifier=”B01CPNEL0Y” locale=”US” src=”” tag=”bounintocomi-20″ width=”325″]

Never before has a cover depicting someone urinating on the world famous Hollywood sign been more tastefully executed. Not tasteful in that it depicts a scene which one would suggest is appropriate, because clearly public urination is hardly viewed as acceptable. But, tasteful in that I would expect nothing less from this series after our brief introduction to The Fix’s main characters Roy and Mac and their loose morals, egocentric behavior, and self-serving agenda.

Steve Lieber continues to deliver top notch artwork, with no signs of letting up from his awesome offering in the first issue. He brings vibrant liveliness to the antics of some truly sadistic characters. His unique methods of conveying how many words per minute a character is typing or the excruciating pain one feels when their hand is shot bring additional layers of life to the pages. Steve’s art truly shines especially when it comes to portraying emotions via facial expressions. Whether it be Roy’s arrogant smirk as he executes yet another one of his self-fulfilling schemes or the shocking, unsuspecting terror on a banjo player’s face as his life is choked out of him; Lieber manages to bring spirited animation not only to the top billed characters, but the supporting cast as well.

My only qualm with the visuals so far lie in the fact that the characters clothing hasn’t changed. Am I supposed to believe Mac has been wearing the same obnoxious floral print shirt this whole time? What about Roy and his suit or Josh and his red sweater? In the life-like, realistic world they are creating for us, I would appreciate it if they gave me a bit more credit as a reader and had a little confidence in my ability to recognize characters in different outfits. A petty misgiving, I know, but with such solid work everywhere else in this book, an otherwise small misstep as this stands out.


Ryan Hill brings another round of excellence to the coloring this time around. Staying true to his gloomy, somber theme from the previous issue, Hill uses his coloring to keep the reader fully engulfed in the always looming dangers of Los Angeles’ underbelly. I previously gave my praises to Steve Lieber and his ability to convey emotion through the facial expressions he brings to life; Hill does the same thing with his coloring. Ryan uses blue undertones to amplify the feeling of Roy’s “depressed” state, driving home emotional cues for readers.

This brings me to the superb writing; Nick Spencer’s wonderful, wonderful story telling. While some panels in this issue feel a little over-crowded with dialogue, I’m willing to overlook that fact simply because the storytelling continues to unfold in an almost addictive fashion. Roy continues to develop into a sociopathic, manipulative, deranged lunatic and I can’t help but find him more endearing with each turn of the page.

If it wasn’t clear in the first issue, Spencer makes it obvious that, to Roy, everyone is merely a pawn in his own personal game of self-perseverance. Roy’s biggest asset is his silver tongue and unscrupulous behavior and is, one of the highlights of this consistently entertaining page turner. This series has a very clear direction at this point, leaving me anxiously awaiting future chapters.

Not only does Spencer continue to develop our main characters and add more depth to their personalities, but he also continues to offer additional insight into some of the more secondary characters. The most intriguing of which is Josh, the seemingly split-personality mob boss who Roy and Mac are indebted to. Nick Spencer offers readers another glimpse into Josh’s distinct personality, making sure to highlight both extremes, solidifying Josh as someone who everyone should be afraid of.


The Verdict

[easyazon_link identifier=”B01CPNEL0Y” locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]The Fix #2[/easyazon_link] manages to build off the momentum of the introductory issue. This book is quickly working its way up the list of my favorite monthly pulls. If you haven’t checked out this series, and enjoy dark humor or criminal dramas, now is the time to get on the bandwagon!

Brad is a child at heart who would eat candy three meals a day if it were more socially ... More about Brad Vought
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