Comic Book Review: The Hunt #3

Ever had that feeling that everything is just a vivid dream? Now imagine if it was instead a nightmare. Now worse yet, the nightmare was every bit as real as the air you breathe. How would you cope? What if the world was full of monsters? Not dracula or mummies, but real horrifying monsters that everyday you meet, eat with, and stand next too? Though for most people that idea is beyond preposterous, it’s an idea that is rarely explored in depth within our culture. I can really imagine the person standing next to me waiting to buy their bottle of soy sauce and egg rolls to be an inhuman creature that, if given the chance, would rip me limb from limb. How would I react if that is the truth of the world? This question is inspired by The Hunt #3. Now I ask you, how would you cope, how would you deal with an earth shattering fact such as this?

[easyazon_image align=”center” height=”500″ identifier=”B01HOVPXL8″ locale=”US” src=”” tag=”bounintocomi-20″ width=”325″]

Writer and artist Colin Lorimer pushes the story forward in [easyazon_link identifier=”B01HOVPXL8″ locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]The Hunt #3[/easyazon_link] as Orla’s fears are now realized. From the suspense of the previous issue, we see her now taking a more active role in the story. You see Orla grow not only as a teen about to enter adulthood, but a character who is experiencing horrors that test her mettle. Colin also provides us an ever growing world of modern Ireland as the backdrop. As the story becomes more complex and grows, so does the world.

The Hunt #3

More minor characters are being used as a means to expand the story such as Orla’s brother and friend. By doing this Lorimer gives us the ability to expand our view of the world he’s created; one full of creatures we wouldn’t want to meet in an alley. The Irish accents bleed right into the dialog so much so I find myself mentally giving them their accents as they speak.

So far the questions left related the propose creatures and their goals, these seem to have been left on the back burner this issue, as we sit back and watch Orla move forward in her journey. The mysterious aura only grows around her as Lorimer writes the story well enough, that you feel that you’re walking right next to her.

The Hunt #3

Lorimer continues to provide art that is stellar. Not only is the world realistic enough where you can believe monsters like this are here, but he has created creatures that are extremely scary due to their realistic nature. I wouldn’t want to run into any of the beings he has presented to us so far. He maintains a high level of realism while allowing the world to continue to grow with the story.

Joana Lafuente’s use of colors speaks volumes. The dark colors surround the characters and in the environment only adds to the aura of mystery. . The use of tints are not as intense as the last two issues, but they were used enough to really create a feeling of dread and fear around the end of the issue. As you see Orla take that walk in the end of the issue, it’s almost as darkness itself is creeping around her.

The Hunt #3

The Verdict

[easyazon_link identifier=”B01HOVPXL8″ locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]The Hunt #3[/easyazon_link] continues our journey with Orla’s as her priorities change. Now she’s searching, trying to piece the puzzle together. At the same time we are doing the same thing with limited information. Colin Lorimer’s story continues to evolve without abandoning what makes it a good story. He knows how to set the mood with his characters to bring out the reaction he wants from us as readers. His art also continues to provide me with ideas that I hope aren’t true. The monsters he uses aren’t extremely complex, but they’re scary enough to where you wouldn’t want to bump into them. Joana Lafuente gives us a world full of life and death with her colors. Less tinting is used in this issue, but she really brings it home in the last few pages.

Copywriter/Data analyst by day, horror author, and movie junkie by night! I'm just the resident Star Trek nerd happy ... More about Jorge Arenas
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