Comic Book Review: The Hunt #4

Being backed into a corner will make people do things that normally they wouldn’t even dream of. When you’re desperate you might do stupid things that seem like a good idea. And when you feel like you have no good choices, you start to decide where your priorities lie, because choices will be made. In [easyazon_link identifier=”B01J6ETQSM” locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]The Hunt #4[/easyazon_link] we are front and center in a world that hides terrifying creatures everywhere, they walk among the people without alerting the slightest suspicion. Creatures that you would to never wish to see. But even when you’re so full of fear you feel like you might pop like a bubble, what would you do to protect the ones you love? The question of self sacrifice is at the center of some of humanity’s greatest pieces of literature, as well as at the core of some of our great faiths. In this issue, Colin Lorimer takes aim at that idea.

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Colin Lorimer grounds us as we are presented with Orla’s burden. A burden that most adults let alone teenagers would most likely run away from. As you go through the issue, Colin maintains the Irish accents that I’ve come to greatly enjoy reading, but also the cultural behaviors that make that culture unique. For example, he uses a version of Irish myths to drive this story as well as a vehicle to make the story terrifyingly believable. You also get to see Orla evolve greatly in these issues. He does it in a way that doesn’t feel forced. It fits perfectly with the pacing of the story. It also shows Lorimer’s depth of writing as small things you might not have caught in previous issues affect her character development.

The Hunt #4

However, in order to bring about some of the character development, Lorimer relies on flashbacks that disrupt the pacing and might have been better explored in previous issues. Lorimer continues to pay attention to detail in his artwork. You can really see this in his monster design. His monster design also highlights his creativity. It could be easy to make something that looks like a cross between beast and disfigurement, but the way the monsters are put together it’s painfully glorious. They share this trait of decay that makes you look at the idea of death itself especially the decay of the body.

This trait of decay highlights one of Lorimer’s themes, the decay of the spirit that creates real world monsters. The two pages that brought this to mind are page eleven and twenty. Here you see the environment and creatures in such detail that they represent a reflection on Lorimer’s themes. Colorist Joana Lafuente maintains a dark view of the world. One thing that really stood out was her use of orange. It highlights the dark, almost evil seen on both the people and the monsters. She uses it quite effectively in the flashback sequence.As the colors work hard to set a mood and tempo that was a part from the rest of the story.

The Hunt #4

The Verdict

In [easyazon_link identifier=”B01J6ETQSM” locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]The Hunt #4[/easyazon_link], Orla’s journey only becomes more intense. She frantically tries to save those she loves. The burden placed on her shoulders creates a character that is both complex and powerful at the same time. The art is taken to another level with the decaying monsters. However, the flashback sequence felt a touch out of place and would have fit better in a previous issue. Joana Lafuente’s colors guide the eyes to the illustration and writing done by Colin Lorimer. Both of which do a tremendous job at creating a hauntingly beautiful world.

Copywriter/Data analyst by day, horror author, and movie junkie by night! I'm just the resident Star Trek nerd happy ... More about Jorge Arenas
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