Comic Book Review: Imperium #5

Project Rising Spirit CEO Morris Kozol is taking security aboard the Leviathan to extreme measures in the hope of fending off an attack from Toyo Harada. Is he just being paranoid or is he being prudent? His crew thinks it’s the former, but we just want to know, is it good?
Writer Joshua Dysart continues the trend of homing in on one character per issue and really focusing on fleshing them out and placing them in intense and complex situations. In the last issue of Imperium it was Angela Peace Baingana. In this issue it is Project Rising Spirit CEO Morris Kozol.
Kozol has taken security to the next level. He has checked in on his psiot dampeners at least three times to make sure they are working and he has even resorted to patrolling the submarine himself and performing guard inspections! While Kozol is performing his security inspections, Dysart dives into his mind, revealing his inner thoughts to us. By doing so, he makes the issue new reader friendly. Kozol’s internal dialogue summarizes previous issues to give new readers an idea of what has previously occurred regarding Gravedog and Angela Peace Baingana. It does get a little wordy and there is one page chock full of internal dialogue where a sentence or two could be scrapped and Dysart would still be able to get his point across.
Kozol’s internal dialogue reveals his inner self as well. He is distrustful of Gravedog; however, this distrust comes from an extreme fear of Harada and his capabilities. Dysart also reveals a less fearful and paranoid side to Kozol. Well, it probably still emphasizes his paranoia—he is wearing the equivalent of a tin foil hat after all. Dysart describes Kozol’s desires to live a luxurious lifestyle, but life aboard the Leviathan has instilled in him a sense of duty. This sense of duty, combined with Kozol’s arrogance and competitive nature, drives him in his quest to defeat the “bro Harada.”
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