Comic Book Review: Indoctrination #2

Most of the time when we read comics, we are entering a world that is so fantastic that it’s obvious to the reader that it isn’t real. There are times when these comics touch on real world issues, such as racism, war, and political upheaval, but they don’t often cross the line into reality. With Indoctrination you see the opposite approach. You’re in a world that is for all intents and purposes is the world we live in; the world of modern terrorism, and the world of blowback. [easyazon_link identifier=”B01IFINZG4″ locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]Indoctrination #2[/easyazon_link] begins to peel back layers of the story and begins to ask questions like, what are the results of our foreign policy? Are our leaders using terrorism as an excuse to grow their own power?

[easyazon_image align=”center” height=”500″ identifier=”B01IFINZG4″ locale=”US” src=”” tag=”bounintocomi-20″ width=”325″]

As we talk about all of this we also have to realize that the world has truly changed. This isn’t the 1970s where the big three networks had full control of the television news. Now people have the internet, and there are examples all over the world of how the internet has done more to release real information, just look at Brazil and Venezuela as examples of how governments were slow to adapt to this new news cycle and the political results that followed. You can also see how the internet has brought groups of radicals out of the fridge so that they can coordinate amongst each other to cause maximum damage. And the biggest question that we all have to deal with that Michael Moreci does a great job in expressing is, how do you confront a deadly ideology in this new age.

Indoctrination #2

Writer Michael Moreci continues to build a complex story with characters located all over the country. They all have their own plans, goals, and personalities. Each of these characters continue to develop along with their plans in this issue. Moreci’s writing makes the reader feel that the team is chasing down time itself as they struggle to unravel a threat they don’t fully comprehend. As they come across each bread crumb along the trail, you can see some of the main characters begin to take more extreme measures. It makes you wonder what you would do in order to do what you feel is right, and I guess that is one of the main questions laid out for us to ponder. How far do you go, until you end up becoming what you’re trying to stop. Michael Moreci uses this as a way to make the reader question what is right, wrong, and how do you stop an idea.

Artist Matthew Battaglia brings you into a world that feels realistic, but without losing it’s comic book feel. The balance I saw in the panels helps to keep the reader both engaged, as well as informed of the situation presented. The haze continues on each page as you read Indoctrination #2. It allows you feel the confusion of the characters as they try to crack the case. Each page allows you to enjoy the story even more.

The art compliments Moreci’s writing style as you follow FBI agents through Texas in their search to find each clue that brings them closer to their target. Each step, and each action taken by them comes out fully in the art. You can physically see how far they’re willing to go. It allows you to feel the emotion of the characters as they go beyond the limits of law and order to bring about their own ideal of justice. As you go through each panel, and each page the set up is very easy on the eyes which in turn allows you to be that much more engaged in the story.

Indoctrination #2

The Verdict

[easyazon_link identifier=”B01IFINZG4″ locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]Indoctrination #2[/easyazon_link] continues it’s mission to bring an element of real world reality into comics. It’s doing so in a way where people who normally don’t care about politics or policy might be able to gain an interest in the world around them. The threats seen in Indoctrination #2 feel as as real as the air we breathe. This is part of what makes this comic very enjoyable. We are forced to ask hard questions, we are forced to think, something that more often than not, the powers that be try to prevent.

Copywriter/Data analyst by day, horror author, and movie junkie by night! I'm just the resident Star Trek nerd happy ... More about Jorge Arenas
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