Comic Book Review: Teen Titans: Rebirth #1

“I should know better than to go anywhere alone. Because when I clear away the crowd that normally busies my mind… there is nothing left but a monster.”

The New 52 was not kind to the Teen Titans. After numerous writer and artist changes, the series never seemed to escape its poor reputation. After some solid work on Green Arrow, Ben Percy seeks to make another mark with [easyazon_link identifier=”B01HC7RJ3O” locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]Teen Titans: Rebirth #1[/easyazon_link]. With the recent changes in DC’s lineup, the team is left without a leader. Though not every member in this issue was in the roster of the last team they all resemble a mix of the comics and the fantastic TV series. Though the issue is only a brief glimpse into Percy’s plans it makes for an entertaining page-turner. The introductions serve as a warm reminder and a pleasant foundation for this new beginning.

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With Tim Drake out of commission it fell to another Robin to give this classic team a fresh face. Luckily, the only other Robin is Damian Wayne: the snarky and arrogant pre-teen who’s essentially the polar-opposite of the “boy scout” Drake. Absent from all of the Rebirth titles it’s great to see Damian get such a unique and witty debut. The rest of the players should be familiar to all DC fans. Thanks to Geoff Johns we now have two Wally West’s in this universe. With the original taking such a prominent role as another Flash, the younger Wally is left to assume the mantle of Kid Flash.

Raven is also given an excellent introduction. As Percy starts to delve into her demonic origins, the conflicted mage appears as sullen and gothic as she’s always been. Considering Damian’s rough visage compared to Tim, it’ll be fun to see these two interact in the story to come. Add in Teen Titans veterans Beast Boy and Starfire and we have the makings of a brand new Titans roster that is both contemporary and nostalgic.

Teen Titans: Rebirth #1

One of the more difficult aspects when it comes to a Teen Titans script is the comedy. Every Teen Titans series and iteration, most notably today’s Teen Titans: GO, is packed with as much humor as action. This blend of characteristics takes a certain kind of touch. It’s difficult to juggle jokes while trying to keep the reader engaged, but Percy is more than capable.

His Green Arrow title remains one of the best Rebirth storylines. Unsurprisingly, he mixes fantastic humor with bombastic action bringing Oliver Queen back to DC’s A-list. Such a feat makes him the perfect choice for this Teen Titans reboot. With Damian at the helm there’s already a great deal of fun to be had. His blunt and articulate style always has a touch of humor and Percy knows just how to use it. The introductory structure helps you put the team together while watching Damian have some fun from the sidelines. Without giving away any clues to how his run will progress from here, Percy has created an interesting beginning for our pre-teen led Teen Titans.

Without question, Jonboy Meyers is the perfect companion to follow Percy into a hopefully lengthy Teen Titans run. His lines are static and refined serving great characters designs and elegant backgrounds. Without a lot of action to impress or captivate, Meyers’ multiple settings come to life thanks to Jim Charalampidis’ beautiful, vivid colors. With gorgeous interiors depicting a fun and lively story, the Teen Titans are already in better hands than they have been in years.

Teen Titans: Rebirth #1


DC’s Rebirth is the greatest comic event of the 21st century… so far. The New 52 may have sparked sales and creative spikes, but Rebirth has quickly become the more important of the two. New status quo’s are making old characters fan favorites once again, and DC’s increased market share is the perfect way for you to let them know it’s working. With such confidence and effort it’s no surprise that so many debut titles are no less than perfect. Ben Percy’s [easyazon_link identifier=”B01HC7RJ3O” locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]Teen Titans: Rebirth #1[/easyazon_link] is another addition to that list. With time spent focusing on every one of our heroes, this first installment serves as a youthful and energetic introduction to a brand new team. Keeping new leader, Damian Wayne, in the background allowed each member a chance to show who they are in just a few pages. A patient and intelligent way to start something fresh. With lively art by Jonboy Meyers accompanying Ben Percy’s energetic script, DC have clearly found the best talents to take the Teen Titans into the next generation.

Daniel Mills is a screenwriter and director working in Los Angeles, California. Far too many comics and Forgotten Realms-novels ... More about Daniel Mills
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