Throwback Thursday: The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #3

There’s so many amazing ways I could introduce this article…by using the lines from the comic I mean, not from my crappy writing skills.
I could pick the amazing battle between Squirrel Girl and the robbers, the battle between Squirrel Girl and Whiplash or I could just rely on the flavor text to get me going. Honestly, there’s so much that is funny and worth re-reading in this comic I don’t know where to start.
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So anyways, to start with, we last saw Squirrel Girl get hit by an enemy of Iron Man named Whiplash. We continue to see Whiplash assault Squirrel Girl even after Doreen ditches the Iron Man armor. His reasoning behind this is that if Squirrel Girl has Tony’s armor than he must care enough about her to gift it to her. Thus he thinks hurting her will hurt Tony. Airtight logic, right?
Well, except Squirrel Girl stole the armor.
But besides that, good plan!
Anyways, the comic technically starts with “Squirrel Girl in a nutshell” where we see various tweets that Tippy Toe, Squirrel Girl, Iron Man and others have sent to each other. This basically sums up the past few issues or at least some of the major beats in those issues. It’s more of a useful refresher than a way to catch up with the series. The style is proudly “millennial”, if you will, and very well done.
I think the highlight for me on that page was where Squirrel Girl brags about beating Kraven (and tagging his Twitter handle in the post) and then Kraven responds that she didn’t really beat him but just got him to go away. Upon which she asks him whether he had killed “any gigantos underwater” like she suggested. Kraven merely replies that “listen … these things take time”.
Also in this issue there’s an interesting bank heist that not only involves Doreen’s roommate Nancy basically loud mouthing it to one of the armed robbers but a full-on use of “squirrel armor”. What’s squirrel armor you might ask?
Well, you’ll either have to use a sliver of imagination or read the comic!
…But you should go read the comic either way.
“Maybe it’s just me, but I’m not crazy about super hero stories where everything’s all dark and moody. Personally, I like the ones where good guys fight giant apes on the moon and stuff.” – Squirrel Girl
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The Verdict
Once again, the ways that both the bank robbers and Whiplash are handled in their respective fights are nothing short of brilliant. Squirrel Girl makes use of all of her talents and uses the lightest bit of logic mixed in with a lot of humor and fun to make her strategies work. They are eccentric as they are compelling.
The artwork has largely stayed the same. You’ve sometimes got those shots when characters are far away and they suffer from the “beady eye” effect. But otherwise it’s pretty solid and honestly that “beady eye” gripe is something I could give to just about any Marvel comic I’m reading these days (which include [easyazon_link identifier=”078519021X” locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]Ms. Marvel[/easyazon_link] and [easyazon_link identifier=”B00TOP6042″ locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]Howard the Duck[/easyazon_link], both comics you should check out!).
At the end of the comic we meet Galactus (whose real name is Galan, apparently? Thanks flavor text!), but the fight will have to wait for the next comic!
Oh yeah, and this series won’s Nuts About that Booty Award.
That’s a real award, folks. Look it up.
…Or just click the hyperlink, you slackers.
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