Did Dustin Nguyen Just Announce Batman and Robin Year One with Jeff Lemire?

“…and #Batman”
Simple words. Those two words appeared in an Instagram post this morning. Dustin Nguyen, famed DC Comics and Descender artist, shared the message with an incredibly exciting image. What it appears to be is a comic book cover for as yet unannounced work with Jeff Lemire and DC Comics. Just what could it be?
Regardless of the title it represents, the imagery is remarkable. It’s a Father hovering over his Son. A watchful guardian who guards against the dark by becoming it. It would be terrifying for any villain, but electrifying to any comic fan.
But what title could this be? Despite Peter Tomasi and Patrick Gleason’s remarkable run on Batman and Robin in the New 52, there was no follow-up series announced for Rebirth. Instead, the two set out on a legendary run on Superman as well as establishing the incredible Super Sons title with Jorge Jimenez on art duties.
Now it looks as though DC is getting their oldest pair back together. Jeff Lemire has been noticeably absent in DC’s Rebirth, as has Dustin Nguyen. Both have been hard at work making Descender one of Image’s best series. Now, Nguyen hints at their creative efforts getting placed elsewhere.
Who’s the Star of the Show?
Batman’s title has always been first among the duo. But by implying the caped crusader’s name is at the end this could be another series entirely. There’s a possibility that Damian is getting his own title, with Batman there as a support. Even more interesting is the “One” at the very top of the image. It could be an elegant, new way to present the #1 issue of a series.
Or it could hint that this could be Batman and Robin: Year One. Jeff Lemire did write the Teen Titans: Earth One story. It’s possible DC’s veering away from the Earth One stories, and this would be a great way to start. Lemire’s other comic work is quite substantial, so it’s more than likely he’d be putting together another graphic novel as opposed to a long-form series.
What do you think the new title could be?
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