First Look: Valiant’s Wrath of the Eternal Warrior

Robert Venditti is going to be having a busy second half of the year. Not only is he headlining Valiant’s major event Book of Death, but he will also be taking on writing duties for Wrath of the Eternal Warrior.
Just by reading the title one can only imagine this issue will pick up at the conclusion of Book of Death in similar fashion to how Jeff Lemire’s [easyazon_link identifier=”1939346673″ locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]Bloodshot Reborn[/easyazon_link] continued Bloodshot’s story after [easyazon_link identifier=”1939346606″ locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]The Valiant[/easyazon_link].
Wrath of the Eternal Warrior will be illustrated by Raul Allen and will detail the Eternal Warrior’s plight on a hostile alien world. Venditti is really hyping the book:
The entire history of Gilad as a character – even going back to the original Valiant continuity – we’ve seen him face countless challenges in all sorts of locations throughout all sorts eras, but I can promise you that what he’s going to face here is something that we’ve never seen him face before. It’s a completely new way of looking at the character and examining what he has to go through in order to be the Eternal Warrior.
Valiant Editor-in Chief Warren Simmons added to Venditti’s hype, “You’ve never seen a comic book quite like this. You’ve never seen a story quite like this. It’s risky, it’s ambitious, and it’s awesome.”
Valiant revealed four different covers for the book from David Lafuente, Marcos Martin, Cary Nord, and Lewis LaRosa.
Will the Eternal Warrior be able to forge a new legend or will he be broken on this alien planet? One thing is for sure it will be a book you won’t want to miss as Valiant continues to delve into their universe and provide quality story after quality story.
Wrath of the Eternal Warrior will hit comic book shelves this November. You can purchase all 32 pages for $3.99.
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