Indie Comic of the Day: Dennis Chacon’s Relic: Shadows of Light

Today’s Indie Comic of the Day is Dennis Chacon’s Relic Shadows of Light.

The story is about crusader Franco of Aragon, a member of the Knights of Rhodes, as he fights off the Ottoman Empire during the invasion of the Island of Malta in 1522 AD. During the battle Frank is mortally wounded, but his life and body are radically transformed after an angel in human form is also mortally wounded and dies on-top of Franco. The angel’s blood seeps into Franco’s body and changes him forever.

With angelic blood flowing through him, Franco of Aragon hunts down evil in all of its forms.

Chacon is currently crowdfunding Relic Shadows of Light on IndieGoGo. The comic will be 40 pages in length and features two different covers. The first is penciled and inked by Chacon with  colors by Brett R. Smith.

Take a look.

Relic Shadows of Light

There will also be a second cover done by Dennis Chacon. Chacon has already penciled and inked a number of pages. Take a look at those below.

Each backer will also receive a trading card and there will be an option to get the Brett R. Smith colored Cover A as a poster pin-up.

Chacon is aiming to reach $5,000 on his campaign. He has currently raised $310 from 8 backers.

What do you make of Relic Shadows of Light? Do you plan on backing Dennis Chacon’s latest venture into the supernatural?

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