UDON Entertainment Reveals Special Edition Street Fighter Pin-Up Variant Covers

UDON Entertainment revealed two special edition Street Fighter pin-up covers that will be available at Anime Expo and San Diego Comic Con.

Both variants are done by veteran artist Rob ‘Robaato’ Porter and they actually connect to form a full picture of the Street Fighter women staring each other down on the beach.

The first variant will be available at UDON Entertainment’s Anime Expo Booth #2624.2723 from July 4 to July 7 at the Los Angeles Convention Center. It features Chun-Li, Sakura, and C-Viper.

Street Fighter Pin-up Special

The second variant will be available at UDON’s San Diego Comic Con booth #4529. It features Karin, Cammy, and Kolin.

Street Fighter Pin-up Special

Porter will be available at both shows to sign the variant covers. The variants are limited to 250 copies per convention, and will be available to purchase for $25.00. UDON did not indicate if there will be a limit on the number of each variant fans will be able to purchase.

Street Fighter Pin-up Special

UDON previously announced their Pin-Up Special back in April noting the issue would feature 22 artists all new to UDON that “will showcase their love of Street Fighter.” It is currently available for purchase.

Here’s the official description:

“Laura! Juri! Blanka! Cody! The girls and guys of Street Fighter enjoy the summer in this playful pin-up special! See 22 artists new to UDON show their love of Street Fighter with their first-ever UDON illustrations!”

What do you make of these convention variant covers? Do you plan on getting your hands on them?

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