Best Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Villains of All-Time

Best Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Villains
Credit: Screenshot: Flashback FM Youtube

Cowabunga, dude! Today chow down on some pizza (ask Mikey for his suggestions when it comes to toppings) and join me as we look at the top 10 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles villains! In 2024, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are celebrating their 40th anniversary! With hundreds of issues of comic books, many different TV shows and movies, and of course millions of toys, there are so many great villains to choose from.

As we love to talk all things 80s and 90s here, to keep this list more focused we will try to keep the incarnation of these villains to their 80s and 90s versions. Before you call in Bebop & Rocksteady to smash my shell for leaving your favorite villain off, have a little fun and put together your own personal list of the best Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles villains.

Number 10 – Tatsu

Credit: Screenshot: Adrian Bautista Youtube

Number 9 – Leatherhead

Credit: Screenshot: MrAndyCretin Youtube

Number 8 – Super Shredder

Credit: Screenshot: Flashback FM Youtube

Number 7 – Slash

Credit: Screenshot: Marvelous Videos Youtube

Number 6 – The Rat King

Credit: Screenshot: The Turtle Nexus Youtube

Number 5 – Baxter Stockman

Credit: Screenshot: The Turtle Nexus Youtube

Number 4 – Tokka & Rahzar

Credit: Screenshot: Movieclips Youtube

Number 3 – Krang

Credit: Screenshot: Stevie P83 Youtube

Number 2 – Bebop & Rocksteady

Credit: Screenshot: TCornay Youtube

Number 1 – Shredder

Credit: Screenshot: Flashback FM Youtube
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