About Bounding Into Comics

BoundingIntoComics.com has been providing comic book exclusives and industry insights since John Trent launched the site in 2014. What started as a destination for comic book news and reviews has grown into a comprehensive hub for nerd culture.

Bounding Into Comics is part of the The Publisher Desk, which delivers:

  • An entertaining and engaging product that is user-friendly, relevant, and informative. 
  • Content will range from topical news to lists, and much more daily. 

Our goal is to bring the best comic/anime/gaming/movie/television coverage to fans online.

Our Origin Story

BoundingIntoComics.com was launched in 2014 by John Trent. The site focused primarily on all things comic books when it launched. After being acquired by Aurora Media, Inc. in 2017, the site expanded its writer stable and verticals, including Anime, and Video Games. In 2023, the site was acquired by The Publisher Desk.

How Bounding Into Comics is Funded

Bounding Into Comics is owned, operated, and funded by The Publisher Desk. All content on Bounding Into Comics since its acquisition in November 2023 has been funded via ads and where noted in articles by affiliate links. Find out more about The Publisher Desk

Editorial Process

Every editor and writer at Bounding Into Comics understands the importance of factual reporting. We pride ourselves on the accuracy and reliability of our content. And in our best efforts to adhere to this, our editorial process is rigorous. 

  • Every story we write is based on reliable contacts or reputable news outlets to ensure journalistic integrity. 
  • Every published story goes across the desk of a professional editor to meet the highest standards.

All content on Bounding Into Comics reflects the subject matter expertise and opinions of the writer. The team does not rush to publish information without regard to accuracy. Errors are quickly and carefully corrected as they come to our attention. If you spot an error, please reach out via our contact page or email at [email protected]

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Bounding Into Comics Team

Bounding’s team of comic/anime/gaming/movie/television aficionados leverage its network of press contacts, industry insiders, and content creators to deliver exclusive news, commentary, and insights. 

Here are the experts:

Spencer Baculi

Our resident EIC, Spencer Baculi (@kabutoridermav) is a lifelong anime fan, comic book reader, and video game player with lots of opinions on Ben Reilly. He can often be found on his YouTube channel, Studio Kabuto, ranting about tokusatsu.

JB Augustine

Writer, journalist, comic reader, JB Augstine is our resident DC and Godzilla beat reporter. A fan of ‘nerd’ entertainment since Batman: The Animated was brand new, he considers his favorite character to be a tie between Swamp Thing and Darkwing Duck.

Chris Sawin

Chris Sawin is a Tomatometer-approved film critic who has been writing about film for over a decade. A fan of eccentric cinema, nasty horror films, and animation done right, his reviews can be found on Rotten Tomatoes

Nerdigans Inc.

Since 2015, Nerdigans Inc. (@p9cker_girl) has provided in-depth coverage of anime news including weekly oricon ranking reports, adaptation announcements, and the events of just about every ongoing manga from One Piece to Kingdom. Check out our YouTube for all your anime and manga needs!

Jorge Arenas

Copywriter/Data analyst by day, horror author, and movie junkie by night! I’m just the resident Star Trek nerd happy to be aboard.

Ryan Pearson

Taking his first steps onto Route 1 and never stopping, Ryan has had a love of RPGs since a young age. Now he’s learning to appreciate a wider pallet of genres and challenges.

Dante Aaricks

A writer of Horror, or any other genre that allows the macabre to trespass, Dante Aaricks is also a huge fan of comic books, anime, loud guitars, phat beats, and terrible puns. Dante can usually be found haunting local music venues, old movie theaters, or social media (@MySkallen). His various social media accounts can be foundĀ here.

Nikola Pajtic

Nikola is an avid gamer and a pop culture buff. When he is not writing, he is either playing Final Fantasy, thinking about what Lovecraft stories can be adapted into film or a video game, or watching new Doctor Who episodes.

Bounding Into Comics Future

Powered by the experts at The Publisher Desk and Bounding Into Comics, our goal is to deliver fantastic content targeting nerd culture.