Avengers: Infinity War Directors Tease Trailer Release Date!


I, like many fans, was hoping against all odds that over the Thanksgiving holiday we’d finally get to see the Avengers: Infinity War trailer. As we saw, that didn’t happen. While we might not have gotten the trailer over the holiday weekend, Joe and Anthony Russo teased the trailer drop on Facebook.

The directing duo posted an image of a green number three man. It has already generated over a thousand comments. With almost fifteen hundred shares fans are all over the place trying to figure out what the cryptic message means. Are they saying three more days? Or, could we expect the trailer to drop on the third of December? Any guess is as good as any other at this point. What do you think?

Check it out:



This Facebook post also follows what seems to be a soft holiday public relations push from Marvel Studios. We got four brand new looks at the upcoming heroes of Avengers: Infinity War for Vanity Fair’s Holiday Issue.  All of this follows news from Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige and the future of the MCU.

To me, it seems that the stars are lining up for a trailer to drop sooner rather than later. If so, it would be one heck of an early Christmas present to us fans as we all are getting ready for the upcoming Holidays. My bet is the trailer will drop in three days at the end of the month.

While a lot of the hype is focused on Avengers: Infinity Wars, Marvel’s next film due out in theaters is Black Panther on February 16th. And Thor: Ragnarok is still out in theaters. Then we have Ant-Man and The Wasp to look forward to. After that, the sky’s the limit as the Marvel Cinematic Universe seems to have no slow down button.

Regardless of when the trailer drops, we know that Avengers: Infinity War will open in theaters on May 4, 2018.

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