Dragon Ball Super: Broly Creators Tease Epic Battleground Fight Sequence!


Dragon Ball Super: Broly creators Computer Graphics Producer Yuuji Yoko’o, Computer Graphics Director Kai Makino, and Computer Graphics Line Producer Takuya Fukunaga recently did an interview on the official Dragon Ball site where they teased an absolutely epic battleground fight sequence that will use computer graphics.

Twitter user Todd Blankenship translated the interview confirming this epic battleground sequence “could only have been realized with CG. It’s not just another boring wasteland.”

In fact, this new battleground “will be a highlight of the movie (they say). It’s a type of place that doesn’t exist in reality, like an alternate dimension, and they created it with software Unity.”

Take a look at Todd’s translation:

It’s also very interesting that they have actually looked at Dragon Ball FighterZ’s animation and want to outdo it for this intense battle sequence.

Given the trailer already teased a number of epic Broly battles where he takes on Vegeta, Frieza, and Goku, one can only imagine just how epic this CG animated battleground sequence will be. Plus the fact that it appears to be in an alternate dimension makes it sound even more interesting.

Are you excited about the addition of CG animation to Dragon Ball Super: Broly? What do you think will happen in this epic fight?

Dragon Ball Super: Broly arrives in Japan on December 19, 2018 and it is expected to hit theaters in the United States in January 2019.

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