REPORT: Solo: A Star Wars Story Ad to Debut During Super Bowl

Solo: A Star Wars Story has many fans worried the movie might have its release date pushed back. The film is expected to debut on May 25, 2018, just four months from now. However, there hasn’t been a trailer or any real promotional material from the film yet.
But that might be finally changing. A new report from The Hollywood Reporter indicates Solo: A Star Wars Story will release an ad during the Super Bowl. It’s unclear whether the ad will be a full a trailer or a shorter 30-second or 45-second spot.
Disney didn’t have a comment, but experts believe the lack of promotional materials for Solo: A Star Wars Story could be because of Star Wars: The Last Jedi.
Hollywood marketing experts say Disney may have held off touting Solo until Star Wars: The Last Jedi, debuting in mid-December, was largely done with its run in theaters.
Director Ron Howard announced the film had finished filming Solo: A Star Wars Story back on October 18, 2017.
#Solo that's a wrap folks. Thanx to a remarkable cast and crew for an amazing experience
— Ron Howard (@RealRonHoward) October 19, 2017
When asked about when we would see a trailer Howard said, “Hang in there. Now that ep 8 is out there it won’t be long.”
Hang in there :-). Now that ep 8 is out there it won’t be long
— Ron Howard (@RealRonHoward) January 8, 2018
Since then rumors have swirled when Solo: A Star Wars Story would drop its first trailer. Many believed the trailer would drop on January 12, 2018 on Good Morning America. However, that didn’t come to pass. Then the Express reported the trailer would drop on January 15. That didn’t happen. Then rumors began swirling the trailer would come out in conjunction with the upcoming Black Panther movie on February 16. However, this new report from the Hollywood Reporter reveals it will drop on February 4 during the Superbowl.
It’s possible this report, just like the previous reports could be a bunch of nothing.
Regardless, Solo: A Star Wars Story will have some stiff competition when it is expected to hit theaters in May. Avengers: Infinity War will still be in theaters after its May 4, 2018 debut and the Untitled Deadpool Sequel will also be coming out just a week earlier on May 18, 2018. It’s quite possible we might not see Solo trailer at all and the release date might get moved to later in the year. Studios aren’t against changing release dates. Fox moved up the Untitled Deadpool Sequel and pushed back The New Mutants to 2019.
And what makes the lack of any Solo promotional material more troubling is that we’ve seen a trailer for The New Mutants as well as plenty of promotional material and that film won’t be coming out for another year!
What do you think? Will we see a trailer for Solo: A Star Wars Story during the Superbowl? Or do you think the movie might get pushed back to later in the year?
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