Rotten Tomatoes And Metacritic Scores Announced For Vin Diesel’s Bloodshot

The Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic scores have been announced for Vin Diesel’s Bloodshot following Thursday night previews.

Rotten Tomatoes

Critics Score

The critic score on Rotten Tomatoes currently sits at 35% from 79 total reviews. It has an average rating of 4.77 out of 10. There are 28 fresh ratings and 51 rotten ratings.

However, the score significantly declines if you just look at Top Critics. It has a 25% score from 16 Top Critics. The average rating is 4.84 out of 10 with 4 fresh ratings and 12 rotten ratings.

Here’s what critics are saying:

Barry Hertz at Globe and Mail gives the film a 1.5 out of 4. He writes, “[T]here is not much else to do while watching Bloodshot – other than tally the minutes.”

Chris Klimek at NPR gives the film a rotten score. He writes, “An instantly forgettable mid-budget affair that relies on heavy dollops of CGI that would’ve looked cut-rate even in the early ’90s…”

James Berardinelli at ReelViews gives the film a 2 out of 4. He writes, “The premise becomes little more than a device by which the filmmakers can get Vin Diesel to flex his muscles, sneer into the camera, and engage in CGI-crafted, gravity-defying fights with other equally unexpressive actors.”

Jake Coyle at the Associated Press gives the film a 2 out of 4. He writes, “There’s a dull thud to “Bloodshot,” a bruising action movie that can’t equal its brawn with brains… “Bloodshot” is, at least, a little more interesting than it initially appears.”

Rafer Guzman at Newsday gives the film a 2.5 out of 4. He writes, “If Vin Diesel were a 12-year-old boy, he couldn’t have dreamt up a better movie for his fan base than “Bloodshot.””

Cary Darling at the Houston Chronicle gives the film a 2.5 out of 5. Darling writes, “When the best thing about an action movie is its use of a great but 43-year-old Talking Heads song, you know you’re in trouble.”

Johnny Gayzmonic at Fanboys of the Universe gives the film a 6 out of 10. He writes, “Who is Bloodshot? What are the secrets of his past? Should we care? This seriously got a theatrical release and isn’t a Netflix original?”

Dominic Griffin at Spectrum Culture gives the film a 2.75 out of 5. He writes, “Bloodshot(…) plumbs new depths by bringing to life a very strange, very specific kind of ’90s superhero story. The film’s execution leaves a little to be desired, but it’s such a ridiculous and ambitious prospect, that it’s hard not to love it.”

Lisa Johnson Mandell at At Home In Hollywood gives the film a fresh review. She writes, “It’s jam packed with flashy CGI, guys and girls pummeling each other, and gratuitous (but not unappealing) shots of Diesel in tight T-shirts.”

Fico Cangiano at CineXpress gives the film a 2 out of 5. He writes, “It’s basically Dom Toretto (from the Fast & Furious films) in a disposable 90s superhero movie, without much to offer.”

Rob Dean at Bullz-Eye gives the film a 3 out of 5. He writes, “There was a lot of potential for Bloodshot to become a true cyberpunk action classic, but what ends up on screen is only a mildly entertaining film with too few bright spots.”

Roger Moore at Movie Nation gives the film a 1.5 out of 4. He writes, “A competently heartless action picture, a superhero movie without the tights, “Transformers” with Battle Bot Vin in the lead role.”

Audience Score

The Audience Score is much higher. It sits at 78% from 214 ratings with an average rating of 3.77 out of 5.

Here’s what audience members said about the film:

Arman gives the film 5 stars. He writes, “Great movie by vin diesel.”

Ryan D gives the film 4 stars. He writes, “This was Vin Diesel being Vin Diesel. Saying that, the premise was cool, especially knowing nothing about the comic upon which it was based. Entertaining popcorn flick glad I checked it out.”

Gayland W gives the film 3.5 stars. He writes, “I saw it last night with an audience that skewed older. It has some great fast-paced action sequences and some surprises and plot twists that made it original despite borrowing from some other films like Terminator and Universal Soldier. There are some bloody parts but since the hero heals instantly, they feel surreal and not too hard to watch. I’ll admit I went to see Sam Heughan but wound up liking the movie more than I expected. You can take even young teenagers with no problem.”

Brain A gives the film 2.5 stars. He writes, “its fine, its fun, its very taco bellish, its a bug movie, i dont care for it, vin diesel is awful in it thought.”

Sheev P gives the film 5 stars. He writes, “Thought it was great. Different movie, good effects, interesting build up and plot. Worth a watch.”

Matt J gives the film 4.5 stars. He writes, “Great Action Movie to help your forget all the Craziness! well worth the Cash!!”

Derek R gives the film a half a star. He writes, “Generically repulsive.”

Alex M gives the film 4 stars. He writes, “For a first Valiant comics movie, its really good! Its nice to see other superheroes that are not Marvel or DC related. I enjoyed it.”

Aaron L gives the film 2 stars. He writes, “Vin’s movies are always..wannabes. In this case, a wannabe hero movie. AA.. no.. A-grade production with C grade writing/execution. Constantly trying to cover up its flaws with weird shots of Eiza. The comic book source would be better served by others.”

Nicholas O gives the film 5 stars. He writes, “A must see for any Valiant fan!”


Critics Score

Bloodshot’s critic score on Metacritic sits at 43 based on 28 reviews. It has 2 positive reviews, 20 mixed reviews, and 6 negative reviews.

Here’s what the critics have to say:

Owen Gleiberman at Variety gives the film a 70. He writes, “Bloodshot is a trash compactor of a comic-book film, but it’s smart trash, an action matrix that’s fun to plug into.”

Matthew Monagle gives the film a 67 at The Austin Chronicle. He writes, “So much of the movies is the right kind of entertaining, with the right kind of actors playing the right kind of second-tier blockbuster roles, that Bloodshot cannot help but be a cult classic in the making. This is Hollywood escapism at its finest at a time when we need it the most.”

Kristy Puchko at IGN gives the film a 60. She writes, “Bloodshot is unapologetically a popcorn movie of the switch-off-your-brain-and-kick-back variety. Diesel and company soldier through a wonky plot to deliver glowers, superhero poses, and loads of action. Director Wilson brings the heat with solid visual effects and a relentless pace. But keen-eyed viewers will notice the telltale signs of “fix it in post” fiddling.”

Ben Kenigsberg at The New York TImes gives the film a 60. He writes, “Bloodshot runs out of meta tricks before it is over, and David S.F. Wilson, who borrows his visual vocabulary from Tony Scott and Michael Bay, delivers action sequences with such choppy continuity that viewers may be as confused as Ray. He deserves bonus points, however, for embracing silliness.”

Jesse Hassenger at Polygon gives the film a 52. Jesse writes, “The movie looks a little like a lost Tony Scott project, but not quite enough — the style isn’t as tactile. Most of its ridiculous conviction comes from Diesel. He’s given plenty of better performances, but here he’s especially convincing in the role of a guy who legitimately believes he has nothing better to do.”

Matt Donato at We Got This Covered gives the film a 50. He writes, “Bloodshot shoots to kill, but with the accuracy of a Stormtrooper – off the mark and leaving much to be desired.”

Richard Roeper at The Chicago Sun Times gives the film a 50. He writes, “Frantically overcooked, bursting with headache-inducing, rapid-cut action sequences and only half as clever as it fancies itself, Bloodshot is an ambitious and intermittently entertaining minor-league superhero film.”

Michael O’Sullivan at The Washington Post gives the film a 37. He writes, “The movie is presented as the story of a man who hasn’t figured out who he is yet. But that’s not quite right. Instead, it’s a movie that doesn’t seem to know what it wants to be when it grows up.”

Robert Abele at TheWrap gives the film a 30. He writes, “First-time feature filmmaker Dave Wilson and cinematographer Jacques Jouffret (“Mile 22”) can manipulate the speed of combat scenes all he wants (the stylistic crutch of a slo-mo point of contact is evergreen) but dull choreography, CGI overuse and Cuisinart editing are still the bane of today’s action sequences.”

Charles Barfield at The Playlist gives the film a 25. He writes, “The superhero film equivalent of the worst kid at the playground.”

Audience Score

The Metacritic User Score is surprisingly almost the exact same as the critic score. It sits at 4.2 based off 10 reviews. There are 3 positive, 1 mixed, and 6 negative.

Here’s what the users have to say:

tropicAces gives the movie a 5. They write, “Fine, just genetic. For every guilty pleasure or creative moment there is a cringy or bland one. Feels and looks like it was made in 2004, for better or worse…”

Nobills1984 gives the film a 3. They write, “Another flat and unimaginative adaptation of a comic with a bad and too old action star. Vin Diesel should consider changing the genre. No one needs these cheap-looking action movies.”

Klebart gives the film a 2. They write, “This is a cash grab. Either the comic book or the studio decided to sell out. The movie was a generic movie that you could have seen anytime. In today’s day and age a blah movie like this should be made fun of. I only watched it because my plans for the evening were cancelled last minute. The casting as Vin Diesel as the lead did not do the comic justice. I kept trying to match him to the comic but couldn’t. Almost any other actor could have starred in this film. Overall this movie was a pass.”

7277hwh gives the film a 0. They write, “Bloodshot wasn’t what I expected. Not only did the trailers give way too much away it wasn’t worth watching in theaters. Save your money and wait til it comes out on dvd.”

The3AcademySins gives the film a 1. They write, “This is the Slender Man of superhero movies. No joke. It’s that bad. Luckily, its also hilarious.”

What do you make of these reviews? Do you plan on checking out Bloodshot?

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