Rotten Tomatoes Audience Score for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Revealed

The Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic Audience Scores for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker have been revealed.

Rotten Tomatoes

The score currently sits at 77% with an average rating of 3.92 out of 5 from 24,119 reviews.

However, their Verified Audience Score sits at 86% with an average rating of 4.31 from 7,148 reviews.

Here’s what some folks are saying about the film on Rotten Tomatoes:

Nick J gives the film 5 stars. He writes, “JJ Abrams solidified himself as a fantastic choice for Star Wars with Force Awakens. With The Rise of Skywalker he completely knocks it out of the park. Spectacular, jaw dropping, pulse pounding, and tear jerking; Rise of Skywalker is everything about Star Wars I love.”

JoeS2 gives the film 5 stars. He writes, “Good mix of action and characters, connected a lot of elements from earlier movies.”

Logan R gives the film 2 and a half stars. He writes, ”

Some good individual moments, but some very underwhelming retcons to TLJ. Cheesy and disappointing third act. Nevertheless the music, cinematography and acting are on point and the pacing is good.”

Nykolai P gives the film 5 stars. He writes, “Ties up loose ends in a satisfying way and doesn’t get bogged down in semantics.”

Kevin K gives the film 4 stars. He writes, “Pretty good. Had some problems with it early on but it won me over by the halfway point.”

Levon B gives the film 2 stars. He writes, “A movie so afraid of its fans, it undoes almost everything about the previous one And it’s poorly paced, blandly shot, and filled with boring exposition Disney is, and has always been gutless. Afraid of anything different or challenging its audience.”

Chris B gives the film 5 stars. He writes, “Great end to the saga! Critics are insane – the fans are loving it.”

Justin A gives the film 5 stars. He writes, “So much fun! A tough job to wrap things up well done.”

Zachariah P gives the film 5 stars. He writes, “The absolute perfect ending to a nine—movie saga.”

Many M gives the film 1 star. She writes, “Rushed, poorly made, too much CGI and lack of practical effects. Lackluster villian who’s been over used……jedis have multiple lives….Kylo is just a plot device. Supporting characters get tossed aside. Then it follows the familiar pattern of Return of The Jedi, where Luke dissapears to follow his path and convert Darth while his friends battle in ships…Rey does the same thing throughout the movie. In fact the final scene is copied exactly from Return Of The Jedi where Palpatine shows Luke his friends losing the war….”

Devin E gives the film 5 stars. They write, “As someone who disliked episode 7 and was indifferent toward 8, I wasn’t expecting very much from the movie. I was pleasantly surprised, the movie had a good pace, some gorgeous scenes, and felt more like a Star Wars movie to me than the last film and didn’t borrow the plot like 7. Full of moments that keep you on the edge of your seat and fun hidden treats for fans. My favorite of the new trilogy by a long shot.”

Bonnie gives the film 3 stars. She writes, “It was…a lot. There were many inexplicable storyline decisions and random threads that went nowhere. As a lifelong fan, disappointed that there weren’t clear narratives tying the last three films together.”

Andy N gives the film 5 stars. He writes, “Forget the critics. This is a great Star Wars film. Sure, a few things didn’t quite land or make complete sense, but it had all the feels and did everything I want a Star Wars movie to do. Can’t wait to go again.”


The Metacritic User Score tells a vastly different story. It currently sits at 5.3 based off of 637 reviews.

There are 305 positive reviews, 80 mixed, and 252 negative.

Here’s what people are saying on Metacritic:

Ender71 gives the film a 2. They write, “As a life long star wars fan I can honestly say this movie was insulting to the legacy of star wars. Sound dramatic? The movie is that bad. It felt like I was watching a transformers movie. Loud, lazy, soulless.”

Point5 gives the film a 3. They write, “A convoluted mess that nullifies the redemption story of Anakin Skywalker. Not worth seeing again. Go see Cats instead.”

Hellpitt gives the film a 3. They write, “I went to see the movie today, and I hoped it was going to end the Saga with a bang, but I was mistaken… it was a Frankenstein, characters didn’t make sense, way to much fan service, the movie was a remake of episode 6, cinematography was good, but the plot didn’t make sense, I will not be re-watching this movie ever again, can’t remember the music and the actors lacked enthusiasm.”

Bitmouse gave the film a 0. They write, “This movie was largely incoherent from a story telling point of view. The main characters repeated the line, “if this fails then it (meaning the whole saga) has been for nothing.” I think this clearly shows how obvious it was to the writers that they story was largely irrelevant and forced in relation to the previous 8 films.”

It seems to me Disney ran out of steam on this one. They weren’t really the right people to make this final trilogy as their interest is in the wrong place.”

Rykama gives the film a 3. They write, “It’s not a terrible movie, but in terms of plot, it feels rushed and unrefined. It has two themes crashing and felt more like a war between Rian and JJ’s two versions trying to make sense and come together. The use of Palpatine was not necessary and the way they utilized him was not well done. In terms of CGI, it’s absolutely beautiful especially compared to recent movies. If you choose to go see it (which you should) don’t expect a well put together film. However, it is the end of the skywalker saga and if you’re a fan you wont walk away completely disappointed, but it is probably the worst star wars movie ever made.”

Jackal gives the film a 4. They write, “When I walked out of the cinema…after starting this whole saga as an 11yr old in 1977..I have to say that Disneys attempt of making Star Wars end like an Avengers finale just hurt…parts were awesome but overall it was weak in its storytelling…and missed opportunities aka Anakin force ghost…..and trying too hard to tie things up in great bows…that I realised one thing…I’m more excited about the next Mando episode than Rise of Skywalker and writing this breaks my heart.”

Jaqwaan gives the film a 7. They write, “Rise of Skywalker shows us that making sure your writing is perfect makes a movie good, unfortunately, the mark was missed with this movie. The reason I score this review so high is not that it’s Star Wars, but It was enjoyable to watch. Space battles were fantastic, the pacing was fairly smooth and the characters were fun to watch. All up, watch the movie, it’s good, not perfect, but you won’t hate it. Looking for a good Star Wars film? Rogue One is still the best Star Wars Fim of the decade.”

BeardedYoda gives the film a 7. They write, “This film has many, many problems, especially when it comes to pacing. However, I can not deny how much I enjoyed watching it. It really is a fun film to me and I recommend that movie goers, especially Star Wars fans, go see it to form their own opinion on it.”

Damocles gives the film an 8. They write, “There was a lot to recover and fix due to The Last Jedi. However having to makeup for the last film and deliver the final, JJ pulled it off. There is a lesbian kiss to appease the feminazi crowd the last film was made for, but the entirety of the film was for its fans.”

Hua gives the film an 8. They write, “Was it the perfect conclusion I had dreamt it would be? Not quite. But that doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy the ride and have fun with it. Overall, I liked the previous two films better, but this one had a lot of great, emotional moments. Kylo & Rey (Adam Driver & Daisy Ridley) were the standouts (their stories/arcs were the most interesting). But ultimately, it felt like we had too much to set up and wrap up in a little over two hours, which made the end result not as satisfying as it could’ve been.”

TheNikoHero gives the film an 8. They write, “Absolutly amazing. This is Star Wars. The mysterious force, the good, the evil, Hope and friendship! Sure, Theres some choices in the movie, that we don’t all agree with, but I feel like people expect EVERYTHING to be explained. It’s Star Wars, it’s supposed to be mysterious. Leaving something for the Imagination. Not everything have to be explained. It’s the force and it works in mysterious ways… I can’t wait for Disney and Marvel to expand this story through bookes and comics.”

What do you make of these audience reactions? Have you seen The Rise of Skywalker yet? What do you think about the film?


John was the Editor-in-Chief at Bounding Into Comics. He is a massive Washington Capitals fan, lover of history, and ... More about John F. Trent
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