RUMOR: Lucasfilm Brings in a Major Big Bad for Han Solo Spin Off!

Rumors have been swirling about the prospect of Darth Vader making an appearance in some or one of the Star Wars spin-off films. As of late, news related to that possibility has been fragmented and limited at best. Though we have confirmed spin-offs, the character of Darth Vader being in any was still up in the air.

This has seemed to change as ThatHashTagShow is reporting the Sith Lord will be making an appearance in the Han Solo stand-alone film. The speculation about Darth Vader making an appearance in the Han Solo film started a few months ago. Rogue One’s Darth Vader actor Spencer Wilding stepped back from a booked convention appearance because of a filming conflict. The film was reported to be a part of the Star Wars Universe.

Lucasfilm for its part hadn’t confirmed any production work with Spencer Wilding, who also said that the rumors were false. His absence at the convention and rumored involvement in the Han Solo film was just fan speculation at that time.

But things are now different. According to ThatHashtagShow a source close to the production revealed to them that Spencer in full Vader armor was on set two weeks ago for the Han Solo movie.

Things haven’t really changed from a few months ago when rumors were just that on the internet. But if what ThatHashTagShow says holds water. Then we’re in for a major treat when the Han Solo film is released.

Even though it would be cool to see Vader in the film, I have to wonder why they would include him. See it would make sense to see him in other spin-offs in the expanded Star Wars universe such as the Obi-wan Kenobi solo film. The Han Solo film doesn’t hold a ton of room for reasoning for the Sith Lord’s presence. And if Vader is indeed going to be cameoed in the movie, then the studio is running the risk of turning the fearsome Vader into a running gag.

What do you think, would you like to see Darth Vader make an appearance in the Han Solo movie? Take the poll above!

Copywriter/Data analyst by day, horror author, and movie junkie by night! I'm just the resident Star Trek nerd happy ... More about Jorge Arenas
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