Samuel L. Jackson Returns as Mr. Glass in New ‘Glass’ Teaser Trailer

Mr. Glass

M. Night Shymalan’s Glass will see the combination of two of his most famous film’s storylines collide into one. Unbreakable and Split will be woven together in the upcoming Glass film.

We recently got our most recent look at Bruce Willis’ David Dunn in a teaser, and now we are getting a look at Samuel L. Jackson’s Elijah Price a.k.a Mr. Glass.

Take a look:

Like the David Dunn teaser, Jackson’s Elijah Price is featured in the middle of the video looking through a piece of broken glass. As the trailer progresses we get a number of shots of Price in action.

The teaser packs quite a bit of punch by catching up viewers who might have forgotten about Glass’s character since he was sentenced to an insane asylum at the end of Unbreakable.

He tells us, “I am a comic book expert. I create the extraordinary. It is time to show the world what we are capable of.”

That last sentence is extremely interesting. And given he is a comic book expert, could he be forming his own supervillain team like the Legion of Doom, the Masters of Evil, or the Sinister Six?

We know he will play a pivotal role in the film, the official description gives us some details:

“Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds Dunn pursuing Crumb’s superhuman figure of The Beast in a series of escalating encounters, while the shadowy presence of Price emerges as an orchestrator who holds secrets critical to both men.”

Glass will star James McAvoy as Kevin Wendell Crumb from Split, Bruce Willis as David Dunn from Unbreakable, Samuel L. Jackson as Elijah Price a.k.a. Mr. Glass from Unbreakable, and Anya Taylor-Joy as Casey Cooke, the only person to have survived an encounter with The Beast.

Glass will debut a full trailer tomorrow. The film is expected to release on January 18, 2019.

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