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DC Comics brought together some of the best talent in comics to celebrate the 80th Birthday of Superman in their…

Action Comics #997 depicts the viciously brutal killing of some of Superman's closest allies and friends. Are they dead? Or…

DC Comics announced two brand new Superman stories from some of their best creatives. Both will be available in May.

DC Comics announced that Brian Michael Bendis will takeover as the lead writer on Action Comics starting with issue #1001.

DC Comics is rolling out the red trunks to mark issue #1000 for Action Comics. Iconic DC Comics artist Jim…

“The Final Days of Superman,” the eight issue epic saga by Peter Tomasi that began with Superman #51 and spans

Death waits for no man – not even a Superman. The devastating effects of Apokolips’ fire pits in Justice League:

Peter J. Tomasi will be penning eight issues of Super League spanning across DC titles, Superman, Batman/Superman, Superman/Wonder Woman, and