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October 29, 2016
After establishing an intriguing world and premise in the first issue, what I really wanted from Hadrian’s Wall #2 was […]
September 16, 2016
In the world of [easyazon_link identifier=”B01HOVQEJI” locale=”US” tag=”bounintocomi-20″]Hadrian’s Wall[/easyazon_link], a new limited series from Image, things took a rather different […]
July 11, 2016
The man who shot Simon Moore four times and married his ex-wife has been found dead aboard the spacecraft Hadrian’s […]
March 18, 2015
Conspiracy abounds and one of the C.O.W.L. has had enough of sitting on the sidelines. Is it good? The second arc has finally hit its stride and gotten back to what made the first arc so enticing: strong characterization and good ole political intrigue.
February 4, 2015
Arclight spins a story while the city of Chicago tailspins into chaos on the back of Warner and Stone’s deal. […]
June 3, 2014
C.O.W.L. or the Chicago Organized Workers League written by Kyle Higgins and Alec Siegel with art by Rod Reis combines heart-pounding action sequences, street-cop detective work, with just a taste of palace intrigue to make readers crave more from this 1960s Chicago universe.