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June 30, 2022
Following the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade, numerous Western gaming companies have declared their pro-abortion stances.
May 9, 2022
Multiple game developers including Double Fine Productions and ArenaNet spoke out against Roe V. Wade being overturned, and subsequent change in abortion law.
Jennifer Scheurle
October 15, 2020
Jennifer Scheurle, the lead designer for Guild Wars 2 and ArenaNet, has been let go from the company as part of an alleged “re-shuffling”.
June 1, 2020
ArenaNet and Guild Wars 2 Lead Game Designer Jennifer Scheurle took to Twitter to call for a revolution involving “brawlers and protectors who have experience and are able to be at frontlines” in the United States.
September 26, 2018
After Telltale Games announced massive layoffs, Jennifer Scheurle launches into a diatribe against paying customers and gamers.