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The Batman is darker and more realistic than any film in the series before it, according to star Jeffrey Wright…

In the most recent episode of "Ask Chuck Dixon," prolific Batman writer Chuck Dixon described Alan Moore and Brian Bolland's…

Leslie Grace speaks on what she hopes and expects for Batgirl on HBO Max which she confirms won't include Batman.…

According to a new rumor, Timothee Chalamet is out of consideration for Terry McGinnis in a Batman Beyond project in…

Usually fervid for guest appearances, James Gunn recently confirmed that we won't be seeing Bane in Peacemaker anytime soon.

Legendary Batman and Robin scribe Chuck Dixon recently addressed DC Comics retconning Tim Drake to make him attracted to men.

To the shock of many, Poison Ivy will not be race-swapped when she makes her debut in Batwoman's upcoming third…

Michael Keaton explains what persuaded him to return to Batman in The Flash and his understanding of the phenomenon he…